OM: Metronome (Demo Instrumental)


New member
Been a while since I posted in this section.

Anyway, this is an instrumental for a rap track that I will be collaborating with somebody on, to be featured and released in an upcoming mixtape by Divine Aura called "Voices from Beneath".

The reason for the really long introduction is because a spoken narrative/dialogue is to be placed in the intro.

You can listen to the song here:

(Click on "Metronome")

Feedbacks appreciated of course 8)
I've always thought THOA's stuff is pretty cool, especially the Mime Unit's shit.

The bulk of the tune is quite industrial sounding? But the synth horns make it sound quite Pet Shop Boys. Not that it's wrong but not all peeps are like me, a PSB fan.
I'm not exactly a PSB fan myself, though I have nothing against them. They're cool. I actually like one or two songs from them (Go WESSTTT!! :lol:)

It wasn't a conscious effort to sound PSB, either. I was discussing with the person I am collaborating this track on and we both kinda decided to put a piece of the ol' skool hiphop vibe into the track, hence the synth horns to add the 80s sound to it. Of course, I need to have some identity to make it THOA, hence the industrial bits in there.

I think everything will come fall into place when the vocals are laid in. You will get to hear it again when the mixtape is released. :D

As for the rest of the stuff on MIME Unit, they are just some instrumentals I produced to be sold to hiphop acts in SG. As much as I am very much supportive of that scene, I wanted to inject things that are different from the same ol same ol hiphop sound.

Thanks for the comment, dude! :D