OM-Metallica Blitzkreig Cover on Youtube


New member
hey all,

its been a while since i've done a video cover so here i am. Metallica has been one of the bands that influenced my music taste to a great extent. So heres a sort of my tribute/gratitude to them.

I know this song isnt actually Metallica's but a band called Blitzkreig. Hope you guys enjoy the video and pelase do leave me comments here and/or on Youtube.

Thanks for taking your time



YouTube - Metallica- Blitzkreig Cover
so anyone checked it out yet?

no metallica fans here ah? T.T

i need advice on my technique etc pls
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ur downstroke palm muting power ah!

haha yey finally someone sees it.

thanx a lot for the comment bro. yeah it took a lot of practice actually. my hand almost cramped up when i was playing the rythm part for the solo..haha. still a long way to go.

more covers coming up,

those in line are

Kreator - Phobia
Kreator - Violent Revolution
Power Rangers Theme song (haha yes)
a lil bit of work on timing

haha yeah bro, i screwed up timing on a few places coz i couldnt hear the original track properly. i had to turn my speakers on really loud, and my amp was on a bit louder than the speakers so that my shitty digicam can pick up both sounds audibly (With my guitar being a bit louder)

so at some places i was kinda playing blindly (or should i say deaf) coz i couldnt hear where the song was.

lol do you even understand what im trying to say?

and thanks for the nice words and for checking out the vid. Pass the word!

hi i think its pretty alright! timing issues but with a real band there should be no problem

and you'll probably be higher than that hahaha. but sounds alright! gd job (:
