OM: L'il Miss Judy


New member
First proper original from my band. We're still relatively new, since we only got back playing together recently, so still learning a lot.

We did screw up a little here and there lah, so must pardon our impudence! :lol:

Any comments are welcome, as we are looking to improve in any way possible. Your feedback is valued!
tak said:
hey that was really nice :D

do you guys play regularly?

Well, we just started up again late last year, and we're getting our repertoire up and running.

We do mostly stuff from the '60s all the way up to present day, with particular emphasis on rock and roll.

No current regular gig, but we're starting to get offers to play one-off gigs at various places, so.....fingers crossed! :)
blueprintstudios said:

I gotta have more cowbell! :lol:

good stuff

Thanks was my lead guitarist's idea....drummer got hooked on it! Bugger bangs the hell outta the thing....we are usually deaf by the time we're done with a practice session.