OM: I'm Alright

hey guys.. thanx for the comments.. i really appreciate it.. tothe guy whu said tht its shaky.. thanx again.. i will work on tht... i live and learn.. please keep the suggestion coming in.. i hope to improve more.. thanx smilez
yo simon how are u man...making it big aight....great stuff. love the song man. power guitar tone. hope to catch up with u soon aight.
nice playing simon!.. powerrr!!..
killer tone also, but maybe a touch too bassy for this song?
but anyway, kick ass man. very nice sweet playing! great job!.
thanx alot guys... but yea i noe there's things i needa work on... appreciate u guys checking it out :D
nope... used a dist from vamp.. and a very good software program... anyways i think the rte person to ask is Zero9er.. cuz he's the one helping me out in this recording.. and tones.. and i owe him to tht... thanx bro!!(to zero9er) heez...
haha.. well when u record at his place... u dun have to bring so many stuff.. he can settle the tone for me in recording which of cuz i will learn from him.. hee.. as for my xt live.. i set it for live so tht i sound relatively good.. not too bad sounding,... i will be happy.. haha
NoMiS said:
nope... used a dist from vamp.. and a very good software program... anyways i think the rte person to ask is Zero9er.. cuz he's the one helping me out in this recording.. and tones.. and i owe him to tht... thanx bro!!(to zero9er) heez...

No worries bro...the tone is actually in your fingers...effects just did the coloring.Cheers.
Link has again been updated and is working.... :wink: Really glad to see this post hit the 1000th mark as in visitations.Wow!!!
wow simon.. haha, watch you from woodlands cc with hazargaddah to 3rd place with crossbred.. all killer guitar work.. power la you \m/