OM: Hope to get some advice/comments. Blues music.


Those Texas Specials are really something...and the wonderful thing is you've got the fingers to showcase the clean tone on the different PU positions as you played along.

But I feel if there had been more intensity to the playing (a bit conservative), the pickup dynamics might have showed their potential even more...!

Overall, it sounds really, really nice to me. Like to hear how it sounds distorted tho'!

Greatttt job!
I second killinghall's comments. You've got the feel and technique.

The problem was that there was no 'acnhor' to the song. Perhaps it was a jam kinda thingy. The problem with blues is that its been done and over killed. But then you hear Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn and you go - WWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

If I were you, I'd look into constructing songs based around blues. you need an original anchor line/melody. Otherwise, it sounds like a normal blues jam - all licks, some feel but no song.

But keep it up. I'd like to hear more from you. You do have the feel. It's more of a structure, anchor line/melody, and some improvisation.

Go for it!

you got the basics down pretty well...perhaps look into some note choices and some more variety .... but i like it that you havent overplayed the song...the timing is a little off in a coupla parts...

otherwise very nice :lol:
Yeah will take note of it. Thanks for the kind comments.

Initial purpose was just to test the tone of those pickups. But will definitely work on the chops, hehe. Didn't give much thought to it, jam thing lol.

bluepowder: Yeah I'll take note. Btw which part is out of timing? Will take note of it, thanks!

Thanks for the comments guys. Keep them coming! :D
Hi Jeeyon!

Nice stuff there again! I really like the tone and the feel. Excellent blues!

Just some recording related issues. Maybe the lead can be slightly louder. And what's that noise? Is it the pickups? Some kind of hissing and interference in the background. But the playing is really great! Cheers!

I understand the laid back feel you were trying to obtain but around 2:19, where the piece started climaxing, you didn't really bring it out.

On the choice of notes you made, it didn't go with the chord changes very well. I think you could do better to hilight the V-IV changes taking place.

You see, a good solo that follows the chord changes, is one that, when the backing is removed, you can still hear the changes happening.

Thats key in blues,

I thought you were playing in boxes, pentatonic/blues scale boxes that is, instead of flowing with the music.

Also, you have some pretty repetitive things going on, you like to start phrases with a slide and well, it does sound pretty stale after a while. ;)
yeah shredcow's right, it does get stale after a while cos it keeps going back to the same note.

u can afford to turn up the volume too btw :)
Hey Shredcow,

Thanks for the comments, yeah I will work on it.

ala_carte: Alamak, if I go any higher it's clipping already man. Lol. Some of my friends I sent to said its too loud. =/ Oh well, guess I need to learn some recording techniques as well haha.

Thanks again for the comments! :D
You need to introduce some compression to avoid clipping and raise the volume of your softer parts.

Your software should have a plug in? Try it and experiment.

Having too dynamic a range (pups/amp) can be a curse too!
the starting feeling is rather good and relax....when the crash gets louder and more hi hat, it should give u some hints to build up the solo...

maybe an overdriven sound at the climax? some sudden pause with double stop at certain abrupt crash of the drums etc...just some comments :)
