Cheez, Thanks for your time for this detailed review. It really benefits me a lot. :lol:
1. Wah!!! I like to read people detail comment as I like to know how people feel after listen my song. Does they feel the same as when I written the song??? Your feeling/interpretation quite close to what I thought for this song.
2. For this song, I use Flute, Oboe, Harp, Piano, Celesta, Strings & Pad sounds. This is my favourite combination.
3. Eh… Sorry, although I have bought S90ES for several months, I still haven’t used it for sequencing. Temporally I only use it to practice some piano piece so that my playing skill won’t be forgotten. For this song, I still using Finale notation software. The sounds are purely MIDI sounds from my notebook. And I purely enter all the notes thru MOUSE.
4. For piano panning, it is the weakness of the software, as the sounds can’t be panned.
5. The volume of the instruments can be controlled by adding those expression symbol (mp, mf, ff, <, >,p…etc) here & there. When the harp playing arpeggios, I like the feeling, thus “unconsciously” didn’t make it softer. Will take note on it.
6. For flute & oboe sounds, the volume I didn’t change much. As I’m not sure which is “natural” & which is “unnatural”. Sigh… maybe I still not familiar to those instruments. Will look into it.
7. Harmony, I must admit that it is my main weakness.

As I only passed Grade 1 theory. Thus don’t know much. At 00:25, I did aware that it sounds weird, but I didn’t try any of your options as: if I use sustain E, it is too far from the preceding string notes (C D E); I didn’t let strings pays the same as the oboe without the mordent as I feel if I do that, the string sounds thin. Normally I don’t let strings change note if got other instrument (eg. flute/oboe for this case) hold on some note. Since I can’t found any solution, I just let it be lor (after I listen few more time, get used to it, then don’t feel weird liao… ha… ha…). But I think I really need to study more on harmony.
8. Actually I am using flute & oboe playing 3rd apart, as I realised that it sounds great (to me, it sounds like 2 flute playing 3rd apart + oboe as backup). Will take note on the interval also. Thanks for highlighting.
Last but not least, Thanks again for
Cheez for writing so long review. I learn a lot from it. I think It help other softies to analyse song & improve also.