OM:Fade To Black Intro Video

hmm quite good. but work on the vibrato and i think you missed some notes dude. how long you been playing?
Yeah, I think you missed some notes. Certain parts sound kinda disjointed, nonetheless, it's good stuff!
strats said:
hmm quite good. but work on the vibrato and i think you missed some notes dude. how long you been playing?

yea i missed 2 notes just after the fast part..coz thats how i learnt it fromt eh tabs and later i realised when my bro pointed out the mistake.

i have been playing for bout 2 years guitar is an epiphone explorer.:D

thanx i will tryo to improve on my vibrato
BlackMoo said:
Nice guitar... oh your backing volume is too loud, its distorting.

hmm..coz i didnt have proper recording mic was in-built into my webcam so if i placed the webcam too far from the speakers it would be too soft and cant be heard. so i had to tikam..turned out to be too loud :p
i'm not too sure, but i think u went out of tempo at the ending..
aniwae, thats a nice one. hah, i still cant get that fast bit in the middle. :D
so, yeah, like blackmoo said, maybe try record one more time without the noise..
so, thumbs up.. :D
anep said:
i'm not too sure, but i think u went out of tempo at the ending..
aniwae, thats a nice one. hah, i still cant get that fast bit in the middle. :D
so, yeah, like blackmoo said, maybe try record one more time without the noise..
so, thumbs up.. :D

hmm lol thanx will try to do another proper recording when i am not half-asleep at 1am adn see if i can keep my timing :p lol

thanx anyway
hello everyone.

Sofyanyup thanx for welcoming me to SOFT

Stairwaytoheaven yup timing is the main problem vibratos are ok..just that i recorded it at 1AM and i was half asleep..hehe

strats lol whole song? wait long long. it will take me 17623876417836 years befor i can play kirks hammet's' solo