OM: "Californication" acoustic w/ Andrew's vocals

hmm...i wouldnt care if people called me a girl for being able to sing like andrew...ahaha, last time his cover of Old Fashioned Lover Boy was fantastic too! how to u sing so nicely ah...hmm... :)
WEI YEA! eh i'm not sure if you still rmb me or not.. i was that girl who manage to pop by your attackofthekillertomatoes website.. but yeah i'm in your contact list.
MichaelAngelo said:
hmm...i wouldnt care if people called me a girl for being able to sing like andrew...ahaha, last time his cover of Old Fashioned Lover Boy was fantastic too! how to u sing so nicely ah...hmm... :)

hehe thanks for checking out the jam michaelangelo... i still dont like my voice tho.... too strained. again im not really a singer. just a guitarist trying something new and fun
hey, very interesting recording! i read somewhere the guitarist is 15! i can't play like that when i was ur age! hahahahhha! nice colab. the vocals reminds me of mr big's singer (something martin rite?), the raspy style that is. i feel the bass needs a bit of compression maybe. overall very good playing all around guys!
yah, he is 15..

sounds like eric martin a lil right? hahah i told him .. but he doesn't believe me :P

thx, .. already added compression 2 the bass tho.. maybe i think should lower the bass vol and inrease the guitars/vocals..
acoustic guitar, vocals and harmony is rather sweet. could be nicer the guitar is topped with a puncher for EQ.

the bass sounds like it's vying for attention. and it's quite severely out of time at many places.
it is total CRAP....... lucky members from RHCP are still alive.... if not they would be turning in their grave...... and you DO sound like girl.. bitch....
did they teach to you talk that way back in school? You must be a drop out.... while you are entitled to your own views, it is definitely not appreciated when you phrase it that way. I dare you to walk up to anyone during a gig to tell them in the face what you just replied here in this thread.
it is total CRAP....... lucky members from RHCP are still alive.... if not they would be turning in their grave...... and you DO sound like girl.. bitch....
it is sad that this forum has been swarmed by members like these...
kiss my arse.... it DOES suck..... its the truth..... you people should be thankful to have someone like me to give THRUTHFUL commentsand not sugarcoated ones....

and yes, i AM a dropout.... does it make me any inferior? and i WILL say it to anyone......
Don't worry.. They are just passerbys.

Seeking attention cos they coudn't get enuff from their love ones.

Most of these are just empty barrels!!

As we all know, empty barrells makes the most noise.

And then when it somes to executions, they'll chicken out! :wink: