OM: Amanda Tee - 2 New Originals


New member
Hey guys,

It's been a while since I could find time to record a couple of new originals, so here you go:

Turbulence & Something Sad or

Turbulence is in the pov of someone on a plane that's about to crash. Something like that person's last thoughts. I got hooked on the chorus riff, and had to make it into a song. Hahaha.
Something Sad is literally about deforestation, but was written as a parallel of some sort.

These are pretty raw, somehow I can't find my plugins for the multitrack software. Also did them in quite a rush, can actually hear some bloopers here and there. Especially the bad backing vocals. Haha. So bear with it!

Comments/crits will be very, very much appreciated! :)
Great stuff, been awhile since I've heard soothing vocals. :)

Well the songs are pretty similar, but that's ok since its your style anyway. Probably just be careful when you get a bit too relaxed whie singing, either you get flat or a bit off, also you might lose a bit of clarity (diction). Overall its still great though, keep it up :D
Why do I feel 'Turbulence' could be it hit? It's beautifully written and so Lisa Loeb - one of my favourite female artistes. is she one of your influences?

Great intense strumming on the six-string. Work on intonating those vocals and everything will be superrrrrrrrrrrr!

killinghall: Lisa Loeb? Now that's the first time someone's compared me to her. Her stuff's pretty good, especially the more acoustic stuff. :) Have you heard the live version of Falling In Love, with Sarah Mclachlan doing the harmonizing?

skink: I've this tendency to screw up a little on vocals when recording, and I didn't really have time to do many retakes. Will take note though!

twoteaspoon: Thanks! :D
Lisa Loeb came to mind the moment the guitars and vocals came in. I just found it a striking resemblance to her style. It's been a while since I listened to her CD - and I've only got two - the self-titled one with the cat drawing - that's a favourite, and the other I can't remember - possibly a black and white picture of her looking to the east..or my pants...

What acoustic guitar are you on? What is Turbulence all about?
It's a Cort, I borrowed one before at a gig then decided I liked it. Got mine at the SweeLee sale, Fishman pickups and all. Still sounds really pickup-ish though, I'm thinking of saving up for one with one of those really great sounding pickups - but that'll have to wait. You play the acoustic too?

Turbulence is actually what might go through a particular person's mind when he/she realizes he/she might actually die at the next moment. The sudden alertness of the things happening around you, random thoughts, frustration that there's nothing you can do, then ultimately the thought of a losing a loved one - and a loved one losing you. That's what I tried to incorporate in the lyrics anyway. Hahaha.
I thought the lyrics were nice. I don't play much acoustic; I have a 10 year old Takamine though.

I play heavy, irritating instrumental rock music. You can find them all over this section of the forum.
killinghall: Haha thanks. Don't worry, I can appreciate 'heavy, irritating' music. Just cannot play that well only. Yet. ;)

hay88: Thanks man :)

Bio: Hahaha everyone been damn busy nowadays, we can't even jam oursselves! Oh well. Good luck with Tapestry!
Wow, tt was really something great coming out from u! I particularly liked "Turbulence", very beautiful lyrics and chorus. I think it would sound great if u add some strings and drums, brings out the feel of the chorus more.

I love ur voice btw. Shld do more harmony. It's really good.
Aging Youth: Really? It sounds fine on my player... Hmm.

Chang: Thanks! I'd love to add some strings etc, but I don't have anything midi or a keyboard - not that I can play one! Drums I'm trying to keep away from, unless I can actually afford a live recording (anyone?). Hahaha. Midi drums not my type. But yes, I can picture it fuller and stuff!
sounds fine on my comp too. very nice stuff, the guitar for something sad is relly cool :wink: i hope to hear more of ur stuff!