OM: abyssic dream

U guys are just simply fantastic man!!! Good job on the arrangements. Everything is just in the right place. Damn killer solo with an attitude. Nice work on the vox too. Keep em coming guys!!! Wud love to see u guys live in action!!!!
thanks you guys
just waiting for my guitarist to get his ass out of camp.
till then, prolly gonna try some chillout fuses as well.

thanks for the support! :D
ragetone said:
U guys are just simply fantastic man!!! Good job on the arrangements. Everything is just in the right place. Damn killer solo with an attitude. Nice work on the vox too. Keep em coming guys!!! Wud love to see u guys live in action!!!!

you might have already :wink:
Yup and if i'm not wrong u're the guy i bought the line6 pod frm years back when i first started playin haha :) btw this was recorded with the v-amp (pod died) which also died now using j-station, a yamaha psr540 n a silly karaoke mic so bear with the quality if u tink its shit.
Nice Song. One of the better ones I've heard here at soft. The only weak points are the keyboards, the tone is too mellow. It needs a thicker feel to it, a more 'brown sound' and should be a little softer so that the guitar takes center billing. One should think of how Van Halen, the band, mixes their keyboards and guitars. As a guitar-oriented band, the guitar was always more prominent whenever both the guitars and the keyboards were playing. The singing was not as great and seemed to hover on a neither here nor there basis - it was just there and never really brought the song any real justice.

My .02
larva said:
Yup and if i'm not wrong u're the guy i bought the line6 pod frm years back when i first started playin haha :) btw this was recorded with the v-amp (pod died) which also died now using j-station, a yamaha psr540 n a silly karaoke mic so bear with the quality if u tink its shit.

NO SHIT.. the guy at WEE LEE Aljunied??? 8O 8O 8O 8O

awesome man .... i think i heard this song at Nop's house... he's adam/tijinn's friend..incase u dunno him.. gd stuff man!.
haha yeah weelee there..u came in a pickup i rem.. yeah nop.. knew him frm tjinn also. din noe the song reached him :D
thanx for the comments guys.. will take them positively n hopefully u'll support us live in the near future!