Old keyboard not working / Digital piano for beginner pianist

Hm. Actually I'm most probably going to Luther Music, because they have the Casio and Yamaha. But will probably go to City Music anyway cause it's pretty near.

Anyway, the SP2XS, which is the one City Music is selling, has internal speakers.

Hm. Will make sure to try the more basic ones first.
Hm. I have a question that's been lingering in the back of my head for quite some time.

I've heard people haggling when it comes to pianos. But I'm assuming that's just in the US.

How successful would I be if I tried to haggle in Singapore? Is it advisable?

Edit: If it helps, I'm looking at pianos from Luther Music and City Music.

Edit: Nevermind. Bought a Yamaha P-95 from Luther Music at full price instead. They threw in a dust cover, though. Thanks everyone for the input! Really appreciate it. :)
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