"Of the upper class"

Sounds so emo! Hahaha. But yea, it's good. Catchy melody, nice riffs and harmonizations. Hell, I'd mistake it for a single of one of those good emo bands.

Keep it up!
Comments, fantastic!

@gkinsingapore - The song was recorded by ourselves, as were all the other songs, in the discomfort of the guitarist's room with nothing more than what we have - fake mics, cheap guitars, free software and the lack of cash to go to the studios =)

I don't quite see what's emo about the song but thank you Fored! By the way bloodwood; is really, really good.

Do have a look at the lyrics! Hopefully you can see we do write for a higher cause, a more worthwhile cause =)

Thank you once again for listening to us!
wow..! i thot it was very nice.. firstly the mixing is very good, everything clearly audible.. then the tune, very pleasant. and i loved how the 'lead' acoustic guitar complimented the whole song...

the 2nd vocals singing the harmony, i think although it sounds nice, but its kinda overused.. like, he sang the harmony part thru'out the whole song if im not wrong

just my point of view.. =) overall its a very nice song!
clap clap! :D

(of upper class)
i like e line.. "Sometimes we crash and burn and collide at the speed of life." reflects abt ppl all ard.

but the 2nd vocalist really need 2 control her volume at the mic.. like fighting wif the main vocalist to me.. and abit unstable.. notes kept floating ard..

doesnt sound emo to me.. instead.. sounds like some christian music! :lol:

(When open inverted commas close)

sorry juz dun really like it.. sounds abit boring to me.. coz its like from in the beggining u start to have those kinda certain tone till e end.. really.. boring.. but its really a good job!
nice lyrics. i still feel that the vocal melody can be improved on, doesn't really appeal. to me la.