NSPC Holding List for re-service personnel


New member
Hi, does anyone here know what's the fate of NSmen who got posted to NSPC holding list after ORD? Is this a good or bad thing? I've just received a posting letter. :cry:
We all get posted there. Its a holding list so await your activation, if they ever call you up that is. ;)

I'm C9L3 with a broken back... hehe... I reckon my chances of being called up are pretttttyyyyy low! :wink:
So does that mean all the Pes A and Pes B would eventually be called up? What are the chances of C2L1 being called up? 8O
C2L1? No idea. :D Just wish for the best.

Besides, if you start your reservist cycle early, you end it early. Better now than 10 years down start.