NS Enlistment: Sept8 (this thurs)


New member
any softies enlisted at this date???

im going in this thur..sad sad..2weeks of confinement..will miss alot of things :(
Enjoy yourself man!

Not to mention, can meet son of malmsteen dhalif inside :wink:
hang in there. i'm almost done with 2 years 4 months! learn to laugh at the idiocy of your superiors (but don't let them catch you). it will help. i promise.
hehe i think u will miss ur guitar and amp the most.

don't worry lah. we all go through it.
Can understand how you feel. Being a recruit in army is probably the most tasteful experience in the whole of your army life. 8 months into army, I feel that was the nicest part of my army life yet. No responsibility, can leave half your brain at home and still function. 8)
Well at least now u guys have to serve 2 years and have a 5 day week, back wwhen I was serving a few years back, we have to serve 2 1/2 years and have a 5 day week. So it aint that bad if u think of it this way...

Army is oso a time where u learn a lot of things and skills..I learned how to wash the toilet, drain, paint gates, paint vehicles, paint carpark, sweep the road, do basic carpentry, do wiring, make sign boards, gardening, dig holes, learn more about the great outdoors, guarding the camp by walking around the camp in the middle of night with ur M16, how to function without sleep, eat crappy combat rations, know the importance of water parade ...and a lot more :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dun put down yes you wanna be commander in your survey.(which will be given during ur bmt period) Cos after BMT they post u to command sch (sispec/ocs) which is hell.

unless of course u wanna be occifer...then u wayang in front of ur instructors.
Dun wory, BMT is the best phase of NS, juz be postive. Every day that pass is juz one step closer to ORD....yahooo!
haha it felt as though my bro just entered yesterday. he was the june/july intake. and his POP is this wed! =) my dad used to say that guys complain alot about NS and stuffs like that, but once it's all over, you'll miss it. so uh, enjoy it while it lasts and may u get a good and responsible buddy. not like my bro's buddy who almost got him killed. =\ tk care! =)
pepper- said:
my dad used to say that guys complain alot about NS and stuffs like that, but once it's all over, you'll miss it.

very true...when in it..my friends were complaining about it..now ord already...they keep talking about army days and how they wish they can go through it once again...funny huh... :lol: :lol:
Lol..didnt know can get so much encouragement from u guys =D=D=D

thanks alot yo! :mrgreen:

yeap i have frens that has ord and some gonna pop soon too..i will take it as a new learning experience and work hard in it. lol will definetly miss my guitar and amp :p

i wanna work harder inside..so can go ocs or sispec..hee..the pay also better mah =X

but those recent deaths in ns is kinnda scary e..like more and more ppl are dying during ns 8O

think i will doze off if there is night training..coz my haemoglobin slightly lower den average..causing me to fall aslp very easily @.@
cereal said:
Dun put down yes you wanna be commander in your survey.(which will be given during ur bmt period) Cos after BMT they post u to command sch (sispec/ocs) which is hell.

unless of course u wanna be occifer...then u wayang in front of ur instructors.
Dun wory, BMT is the best phase of NS, juz be postive. Every day that pass is juz one step closer to ORD....yahooo!

which survey? the one we do during the pre enlistment checkup or after BMT?
PinkSpId3r said:
think i will doze off if there is night training..coz my haemoglobin slightly lower den average..causing me to fall aslp very easily @.@

whats ur Hb lvl man? hmm...lack of Oxygen makes u sleepy :D