noob here need help from pros

hey guys , i was wondering which should i get for my epiphone sg special and how much it would cost and which one should i get 1st..
anyway , heres the situation im in:
currently i don't even have an amp for my guitar but i can still play it through my brother's bass amp,
the pick up near the bridge had been changed to ibanez inf4(its already changed when i bought it from the owner)

currently i have around $200 only and was wondering should i get:
a setup for my guitar from malcolm which probably cost around $130
an amplifier for my guitar
new pickups
or probably change the electronics of my guitar (please give me more info about how much it would cost and where can i get to change it)

i know that $200 isn't really enough to do much changes but i hope its enough to make it better...and please don't ask me to save those cash and buy a new guitar because the sg special is bought at $200, 2nd handed 2weeks ago and the owner says its only 4 months old which my parents would probably kill me if i said i wanted a new guitar
^ What? There's no difference between a guitar amp and a guitar amp but there's a difference between a bass amp and a guitar amp, lol...
If no difference, why not call both guitar amps? :wink:

Men and Women both humans, why got difference? You're old enough to figure out I guess?

Get your own amplifier, my advice.
How do you play an electric guitar without an electric guitar amp? You play clean? Or do you have effects? My suggestion is unless you are gassing for something, don't get anything and just enjoy your instrument (and of course practice at the same time). As for setup, I suggest read up online on how to do it yourself. Of course malcolm will do a better job, but you should try it out yourself and play the guitar more so you can appreciate his setup; otherwise you will just be wasting your money.
Get a new guitar at a later date.

Right now, get a decent amp. I suggest the Vox Pathfinder 15 which should be 200 or less?

Setup can wait IMO, go for a setup you can afford if you really need one urgently or maybe ask around here and ask who can do a setup for you for free, or a token fee like a pack of strings or some food etc. Don't be like the joker last time say City Hall far though. :smt003
thanks guys , i think i will go for the vox 15r pathfinder amp then.
by the way , i was wondering that instead of changing my guitar , is it possible to make it sound just like other good guitar by upgrading it?? if so , how much would it possibly cost to make it as good as other guitars?
Ah.. Well you can change pickups.. Around 200 for the whole set.

But bro I think its not worth it.

I used to have that guitar... Not the best. Useable, great to practice with.. But i'd say practice with it, next time get more money.. work some.

Get something else.
Maybe u should do the following

1) Get a new amp - Vox Pathfinder seems like the hot choice

2) Have your guitar checked by either the following people

Bezz - Guitar 77
Kai Chin - Guitar Connection
Anthony - Maestro Guitar
Hairul, Ray, Pirah - Luthermusic

They offer good rates, good advise, good service =)
full setup(intonation,restring,getting neck/bridge cleaned,strobed,blahblah) should set you back by at least 50bucks
Other than Malcom who else uses a strobe tuner?

Anyway, my vote goes to Malcom for setups and tech stuff on the guitar. Simply the best and most reliable.