NOISE SINGAPORE WORKSHOP │ Getting Yourself Heard by Daniel Ong

Noise Singapore

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NOISE SINGAPORE WORKSHOP │ Getting Yourself Heard by Daniel Ong

All young musicians listen up! Want to learn how to get your music heard on national radio, captivate an audience just by speaking, ace interviews, and ooze with charisma onstage, all at the same time? In this workshop by youth arts festival Noise Singapore, you’ll be able to pick up these invaluable skills and more, as radio guru Daniel Ong himself shares his expertise as a veteran DJ on 98.7fm. This workshop is part of an encore series to the highly successful Noise Singapore Workshops held in 2008.

Where: *scape Youth Centre
When: 21 March 2009, 3 – 4pm
Register: Email with the workshop title, your name, NRIC and contact number, or call 6344 2953

About Daniel Ong
With more than 13 years of experience in the radio industry under his belt, this charismatic deejay is definitely a veteran although you can hardly tell from his youthful looks. To date, Daniel has lent his voice to thousands of voiceovers in English and Mandarin for television/radio commercials as well as character voices in animated series. His talent for molding his voice to the needs of his clients can be clearly seen from the regularity at which his services are required. His distinctive voice can be heard at his regular weekday 5am-10am morning show on 987FM. Equally at ease on camera, this dynamic deejay has demonstrated his acting and hosting chops on national television, even testing his live TV hosting skills on the nation’s most watched reality series - Singapore Idol 2! Off screen, Daniel is always on the go and seen hosting a myriad of live red-carpet events, most noticeably, Singapore’s National Day Parade 2007.

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