Noise gate or suppressor?


New member
Hi all,

I'm getting noise from my board whenever it's between songs or when I'm not playing, and personally I feel its quite irritating.

So I did a few checks to find out where it's coming from and it leads down to my drive section, especially when both my TS7 and DS2 is on at the same time. But when I turned on the pedals individually it's ok. So I think this is due to the high gain settings and totally removing the noise would be impossible.

That's why I'm wondering whether the noise gate or the suppressor would be best if I just want to cut the noise when I'm not playing.

Thanks alot in advance...
hey, how about using a killswitch to mute the sound, then when u getting ready to play the next song then turn it back on again

for me, since i use a sg with 2tone/2volume knobs, i just switch to the neck pickup with 0volume to mute the guitar

or maybe just step on a tuner pedal

or maybe just turn off ur drive/dist inbetween songs

hope this helps :)
You have to balance your gain on the drive pedals & your amps gain. imagine you're driving a car with manual gear. from gear 1 to gear 5.

IMO. Noise is part of rock & roll. No noise = no rock & roll.
heh, heres 2 easier and no money spent method...

Use the volume knob on geetar. Turn it down in between songs, turn it up when ready to go

Step off one of the drive pedal when in between songs. Since theres no playing, might as well off one of it and step on it when ready to go

If die die want to spend some money, yes, get a noise supressor/gate.
A tried and tested noisegate that's really good is the ISP noise decimator, I originally had that noise problem when i was boosting the Metal Muff with the Ts9, but I swapped out the Ts9 for a subdecay blackstar, problem solved. Might be something to do with the tubescreamer design.
You have to balance your gain on the drive pedals & your amps gain. imagine you're driving a car with manual gear. from gear 1 to gear 5.

IMO. Noise is part of rock & roll. No noise = no rock & roll.

I would love to leave the noise on... But the thing is that I play in a church group, so sometimes the leader/singer might have to speak...

Tried the turning down volume thing... didnt seem to help much, although switching off one of the pedals is what I'm currently doing nw but sometimes I forget to turn it back on... hehehe
I would love to leave the noise on... But the thing is that I play in a church group, so sometimes the leader/singer might have to speak...

Tried the turning down volume thing... didnt seem to help much, although switching off one of the pedals is what I'm currently doing nw but sometimes I forget to turn it back on... hehehe

I think you are referring to the 'wind' woooshy noise sound when there is too much gain/ pedals turned on at the same time. I had this same problem before when I still have my Rocktron Metal Planet and boosted by Bad Monkey. This can easily be solved by using either a pedal tuner or simply REMEMBER to turn off the other pedal when not in use. It's also a good trick suggested by other forumite to turn the volume to 0 with the secondary pickup if you have an LP/ SG type guitar. But still.... tuner pedal will still works best.
yup, the windy wooshy sound... Hmm, but if i hv no need for a tuner pedal or does not have one then it wont wrk...

So i guess there isn't much things i can do rgd the noise?
only thing is to balance the gain & tone knobs on your pedals & amps drive. Do not be afraid to dial the tone knob all the way to min.
Hi, my setup is similar to urs;GDi-21 followed by DS-2 and then TS7.. I wreckon that most of the "waterfall" noise comes from TS7.I experimented on this few setups:

1) GDi-21+TS7: The sound is clean with an ounce of dist(GDi-21 setup to Marshall clean sound). It gives a little noise.But the notes played can be heard with clarity.Great for solos.

2) DS-2+TS7: This setup gives a lot of that "waterfall" noise and feedback with mid to high Dist on DS-2.So what i did is i set the Dist level to about 1/4.As for TS7, I set the tone to max but less than 1/4 on its gain.

3) GDi-21+DS-2+TS7: If set nicely, with all the gains/dist to 1/4 or less, it gives a nice tone but will have a lot of feedbacks.

I agree with leecs bout putting ur level to the min.It can actually make ur sound better and doesn't affect the volume of your overall sound.Volume pedal do help.Noise gate/surpressors due help with noise reduction but mostly on the feedbacks and not really on the "waterfall" noise.So I guess the best thing is to either play with the volume or to use either TS7 or DS-2 but not both.

P.S: oh one more thing, maybe u can try swtching the TS7's "hot" switch off and use SWITCH 1 for DS-2. Experiment on these two switches and see if these helps. :)

Good day!