
They should never be allowed to play. All their songs sound the same, where's the creativity?

And not to mention the lead singer looks like a cross between a cocker spaniel and God.
hey, i used to be addicted to "How You Remind Me" a few years ago. But now i nv hear their songs at all, i don't even know if they have new album since the "How You Remind Me" album.

anyway, a bit OT here, im one of those musicians into hard rock up to not-too-heavy-metal. Many ppl who are in this genre look down on those pop punk rock, modern rock or watever lah, nickelback, blink 182...etc. some go to the extent of hating them totally. But i think thats stupid...I personally may not enjoy playing these songs(cos too simple or not shiok to play or watever..) BUT, it doesn't mean that those songs cant be catchy and enjoyable to the ear! Sounds shiok, i listen! even that recent techno song about "numa numa"...the fat man dancing song...yea, if its nice, then listen!!!

Metal ppl may think its not "fierce" to like these bands, but i think real "fierce" people know how to enjoy ANY music, as long as it sounds nice. Think about it, why let your lousy pride prevent you from enjoying the good music and things in life? Listen to "soft" songs means not fierce? Well, i listen to ANY NICE songs, end of the day, i enjoy more than u! :wink:
Narcoleptia said:
And not to mention the lead singer looks like a cross between a cocker spaniel and God.

WATCH what you say bro, you could offend someone with things like that. 8)

Nickelback sounds repetitive and packaged, no doubt. I hate them, but I won't go to the extent of dissing their asses left right center front back top bottom right now. :twisted:

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