Ngee Ann Poly Film Sound N Video

Ex-student counted? Haha...

Its been 6 yrs since I graduated from FSV.. Some fond memories and skills I've learned there..

haha great! hey's ur life in there? how the exam like? some guys told me there is no exam (typical exam setting). is tat true?
hey dont be fooled....i heard there's lots of back-stabbing and bitching in that course...especially with the girls....
wow...lucky i am not a girl. hahaha. well this things happen everywhere man. dun fret abt it...politics are part of life...its human natural behaviour and thinking. u got to be street smart to survive i guess...not juz book smart.
lol..well..i'm not from FSV per se..but i'm from mass comm, which is the sister to answer the questions that i know the answers to...

yes the course is bitchy..but what isn't ? in fact, mass comm is wayyyyy count your lucky stars..and you'll be amazed by the amount of bitching the guys's just that the girls are more upfront about it...

and yes..FSV has no do ALOT of project work (which might include paper work) but you don't have to sit for exams. you might, however, need to take a few tests..and the IS modules like Starting a Business has a test that you need to sit for.

IS= interdisciplinary studies.

any otehr questions?
wow so many softies in fsv... i WAS from fsv... my ex-drummer is entering this year, i can introduce u guys to each other lawl...

as A_B said, yeah it's better off than mass comm, but i WAS from FSV (quit at level 1, cant stand the useless things they teach and all the bitchin) and boy was it
1) fun
2) i had mr simon lai as a classmate, woohoo
3) kena backstab
4) kena blackmail
5) fun

well gd luck to all those going in! it IS a fun course nonetheless... as for being a practical course, hmm... i've done jobs outside and somethings taught in FSV are... well... aren't accurately correct... oh well, that's why it's called school =)

btw a_b, u graduatin this term right?
i think this kind of course the knowledge isn't learn much. but hey you can exploit their resources. i've seen quite a number of fsv students who are far crappier then those in the same industry who isn't from that course.
azlyjacaz, just like everyone who pass PSLE, it doesn't mean they will pass O level.

in real life, being good is only half the job done. we have to have the knowledge, contact, attitude and self-motivation to excel.

fsv prepare students with a broad knowledge to enter the workforce. they will then take time to gain experience in their specialised field of work.
Wa poly life was certainly different no matter what course you took.
Another FSV graduate here. Well, project work, always same group stick together, same clicks=same predicatable style of work, Like weird director=weird film.
All the rejects form one group. And that group's work...Wa Lao

Same click also do same specialist course, same final year project. You enter the course, make a lot of friends, by final year, only a handful stick with you.
And we all remember the piece of paper "Group Evaluation Form"!

Other courses have 1 week study break before exam week. That's 2 weeks "off" for FSV students. But you're projects won't be done so fast one, stay back and do during those 2 weeks,meetings and stuff. Not much diff.

You can screw up in the course get bad grades that's all, but when go outside work ah....screw up=lose job. They cover the basics in the course, you have to really learn outside cos what they teach you is the minium to clinch the job.
wow....this is really valuable info man. this is exactly the thing i looking for when i post the question above. Damn. lots of challengers i see.....
guess i gotta find my kakis fast once i enter.....haha the things u guys say abt this course remind me of the Survivor Reality Show sial. The smart n cunning survive...the rejects all one grp.

But like i said...i believe this kind of things happens everywhere. i've got my fair share of experiences. and i have improve my skills in countering this. Tactic and Strategy. HAHA wth. OK man i was crapping.

Nway real thankz really atleast help me too prepare myself n my mindset. But we shall see...its a new batch anyway.....
azlyjacaz said:
but hey you can exploit their resources.

what resources? i barely learnt anything. all the stuff they were teaching were sooo basic! i find it weird that it's a "special" kinda course, where it specially selects it's students, but it selects n00bs instead of experienced people (some of my friends failed the interview?). i mean, some of my classmates didnt even know how to use a video camera and stuff.

i just find it weird that a course that's so focused as this starts off from the very beginning for a whole year. even music schools don't start you off from the beginning, except for theory cuz not everyone learns theory.

a_b: aiyee =X hahaha... dun think u'll rmb me, i'm just "one of simon's friends" lol...

omg group evaluation o.O i lost a lot of overall % because of that. for some reason, my class had quite a few @#&$%# and they were sorta perfectionists and very outcasted (we didnt outcast them, each of them just... well... unsociable?) and damn i was unlucky cuz i was put into one of the groups that was full of them. they put bad comments for everyone on their group eval form, and the lecturer called me up and questioned me because one of them complained that i was "eating during discussion". i mean COME ON, the discussion was at the canteen and i was rushing off for a gig or something after that, and i even told them "hey dun mind i'm just gonna get some food k". oh my goodness i got a C instead of a B because of that. lecturer, also a dumbass, said it was my own fault.

oh but some people i met in FSV pwn ass. like Simon Lai :D and the group Trippin Candies. and no im not a dropout lazy student in case you're wonderin why i'm complaining; i got commendation for my first video :P
i don't recognise you? oh but i do, i just said hi to you when i saw you at mosaic but i think u were abit blur cuz YOUU cudnt recognise me =P