

New member
Hi guys,

I've been searching high and low all over Singapore to buy an NFL ball, to no success. I've tried (almost) all the big sports shop chains, Queensway, and even Ranking but I havent been able to find any ):

Any kind soul know of a place where I can get one?

Or better still, does anyone have one theyre willing to part with in exchange for a little $ ?

thanks !
Would a RUGBY ball be the same?

not sure what material a NFL ball is made off, but a good ole' Cantebury/Gilbert training ball uses rubber.

Not cheap though, be expected to pay 80++ for a competition ball (Ie French/S.A.)

The NZ Rugby Store

3 Coleman Street #02-09 Peninsula Shopping Complex Singapore 179804
Tel: 6732 9489/6738 6460 Fax: 6738 2104

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