Newbie in need of help


New member
Hi guys, I am a newbie guitarist who has just purchased my electric guitar. But now I'm at a loss on how to progress further. I don't know where to start from, don't know what I should do. There's so many things I'm unfamiliar with.

Can anyone kindly guide me along pls? I like alot of songs, such as JM, Muse, Audioslave, Paramore, AAR, etc, but I don't even know what genre of music they are... Oh im such a newb :(
Go to Musiclab ( and sign up for lessons. No best way than this to start on an instrument to be honest.

set up your guitar for optimal learning!
you wouldn't want bad action and intonation to hamper your long and sad journey!
How do i tell if my guitar has been setup properly?
Im a leftie but i bought a guitar and the shop helped me made it a leftie ._.
Right now I'm abit sad as I don't know what I can do with my guitar, don't know what to do with the knobs on my guitar and amp to produce the different sounds.
Guitar lessons... issnt possible for me now as I used my savings to purchase my guitar n amp :(
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how's the string action on yer geetar? *distance between string and fretboard*
any very bad fret buzz on any frets? having this factors will result in a tough time playing

a poorly set up guitar may be buzzing at some frets and have undesirably high string action, if all is comfy and good you're good to go!

basically a guitar would come with a volume and a tone knob and the pickup selector.

the volume controls the volume,
the tone controls the tone,
and the pickup selector controls the pick up utilised.

so you're all set to chug your first powerchords!!
the tone knob controls the bass and treble output of your guitar. i don't use the tone knob and i even remove the tone pots so to me it's not a necessity.

the pickup selector is pretty simple, towards the neck - neck pickup. middle - both neck and bridge. downwards- bridge.

i use the neck pickup for my lead tone, and the bridge for my djent indulgences.

again, this are just stuff for you to experiment and have fun with
YouTube is a free source of lessons, and there are many great teachers out there. Justin Sandercoe's basic guitar technique comes highly recommended. Technique may be boring to learn at first, but it will pay dividends next time.
Youtube is a great budget idea, i personally think lessons are the best way. It really helped me when i had issues. good luck!
Firstly, don't be so sad!

Have more self esteem. Calling yourself newb and have stupidness(ok thats personal haha) as a nickname wont help at all. Lucky enough youre living at this age where resources are just clicks away. Lucky enough u have a guitar and an amp also!

As some one mentioned, Justin from is a great website to learn from. from this alone (and MUCH practice of course) you can learn so much.

Now is not the time yet to care about getting the best gear and best sound. make sure you're comfortable.

in short, try learning in this order:
- parts of the guitar and what they're for
- tuning the guitar (don't even bother playing if they aren't tuned!)
- string of the guitar (EADGBe -standard)
- notes on the guitar (eg. every note has a # except B and E)
- playing chords

any problem, look for online resources, they sure are aplenty.
no solution, come here!