newb question


New member
just bought an electric guitar few days back.

i wanna know, With a Small knowledge of playing acoustic , can i master electric?

any simple metal tabs to recommend?
of course u can master it with effort and practice. everyone has to start somewhere right?

try for whom the bells tolls.

get ur tabs from ultimate guitar or something..
Even though classical guitar and electric guitar are all guitars, I do not believe that if you mastered your classical guitar and get a very good grade, that doesn't mean that u can play your electric guitar very well. Mastering classical guitar means that your plucking and changing of chords is very good. If you want to play metal, do they use chords?-.- They got techniques like squealing which is not used is classical guitar.
+1 to for whom the bell tolls. its very easy. power chords and palm mute. there's no solo, at least i dont consider anything in that song a guitar solo. unless its RIP Cliff doing his bass solo.. dang....

basically, all guitars have the same foundation in theory. there are chords(which i assume u know), power chords(not really used in acoustic), notes on the fretboard. tabs are used too.

oh yeah congrats in getting an electric. u WILL have GAS.

oh and, TS, we met at the SOFT gathering, if u know who i am. huahaha
the different types of guitars you play employ a different aspect of playing but as the previous post highlighted, the fundamentals are common.