thank you so much for your input!
the first two tracks, tainted tuesdays and postcards & virgin hearts, are both recorded in a jamming studio, live, DIY. we'll re-do it when we can =) no panning or multi-tracking or anything whatsoever. and they were recorded a few months earlier than the lower two tracks.
the bottom two tracks, nights amidst and it's not too late, were recorded at a studio. the bass is in the high register throughout the verses of it's not too late, so it's not so noticable.
we didn't pay for anything >_> so it's alright. but we only had about 3 hours altogether, so it was quite a rushed job.
our drummer is a man in progress, he just picked up drums recently and we're all very proud of him. it's great that you notice! =D i'll let him know.