New tracks up from Armchair Critic!

haha yeah. you get what you can afford, and being 17 year old students, we can't afford much ;)
give them a break! nice tracks visa so thats what you do spending half your time in school emoing
yea that whole sorang act going on and that perpetual sad face couldnt tell youre thinking of those sweet tunes for your band. cheers
I like them! Keep it up. Recording imo is not bad really. Good enough! Boon's drumming really nice man, send my compliments to him!
haha! tobias he was really surprised to hear that man haha. he says thanks and says he misses you =p

who's this fraser person! =o

btw, can you comment on how to improve the mix? i'm guessing the balance of guitar and vocals during the verse maybe?
Hi Visa, Badger88 is a fellow student(senior) at SAE although I have never met him before. Ryche has worked with him before.
I have heard their work(The Exxit).

(Tainted Tuesday)
The guitars aren't very clear(lacks definition).Sounds very compressed and just thrown aside in a corner.
Work on the panning of the guitar or throw in an alt rhythm guitar riff and pan it.
The hi-hats/cymbals are muddy/messy sounding.
Nice work on the bass though.

(Postcards and Virginity)
The guitar effects are neatly/well-controlled done. Needs to be louder and not thrown into a corner.
I just can't stand the high-hats and cymbals sounds.

(Nights Amidst)
I can hear more effort on the panning now.
The leftovers of the snare works nicely in this song.
The overall drum sound sounds better.

(It's not too Late)
Very nicely defined guitars and intro. The guitars sound more upfront now.
Panning is done well.
Surprising the bass volume has lowered much on this particular track.
The drummer controlled his hi-hat well giving a much cleaner sound.
Well Done!

You need more reverb on your voice on all tracks.
By the way you sing, I can tell that you aren't classically trained. Try to sing less from the throat. Make the diction come out better.

Where did you record at?
Hope you didn't pay too much for it.
thank you so much for your input!

the first two tracks, tainted tuesdays and postcards & virgin hearts, are both recorded in a jamming studio, live, DIY. we'll re-do it when we can =) no panning or multi-tracking or anything whatsoever. and they were recorded a few months earlier than the lower two tracks.

the bottom two tracks, nights amidst and it's not too late, were recorded at a studio. the bass is in the high register throughout the verses of it's not too late, so it's not so noticable.

we didn't pay for anything >_> so it's alright. but we only had about 3 hours altogether, so it was quite a rushed job.

our drummer is a man in progress, he just picked up drums recently and we're all very proud of him. it's great that you notice! =D i'll let him know.