New Song Demo, Ideas please!


New member
Here's an idea I've just started some work on... It should be familiar with some of you guys... used to be the demo template for showcasing the different pups. ;)

Right now, its just an intro and the verse, most mostly improvisations... any ideas/tips? This sounds like its going to be a normal sounding song so far... I might want to warp it a bit...

New Song Demo (yousendit)
New Song Demo (megaupload)
New Song Demo (yousendit)

Gimme ideas on how I can warp it! ;)
hmm... my thoughts...

have a section where u DON'T sound like playing guitar.

Probably an atmospheric section to contrast this heavy section?

and probably some funny stuff with the bass/drums section... they influence the guitar playing a lot.
Don't sound like I am playing an electric eh? I shall try. This will be a challenging thing indeed... hmmm... wonder how..

I intend to play with the drums/bass... esp with the time signature... maybe like... 3 bars of 4/4 then 1 bar of 3/4 kind of patterns. Time to move on to something... different. ;)
hmmmmm... i was expecting a full song actually! hehehehehh... (i've since been used to u posting full songs.) actually i was hoping for the 'song' to maintain the slowish pace, and slowly build up to an 'explosion' somewhere in the midle or 3rd quarter of the song. then abruptly slow down again.

i definitely appreciate the 'out' sound of certain notes in the opening. (i've been listening to too much Larry Lalonde actually!) somehow i feel the very fast run u did right at the end of the verse/starting of the bridge sounds 'bad'. sorry... otherwise everything is real good!

ok, abt ur tone with the breed in the bridge. i personally feel u sound better with tonezone. the tone here is too 'lower middy' and too 'meaty'. like a sound which is 'too full', 'too fat'. (highs is minimum, imagine playing live and defintion is lost.) wahh, difficult to describe. it does remind me of old Vinnie Moore tone tho. (but dunno which album, have to check the casette!) i guess u like this tone a lot, so just run with it...
Hahaha! MAN! Another thinks my old tone is better... die lah... this time really die lah... *Sigh* Will the pup search ever end?! Oh well, but like what you said echo, I like this tone so I'm going to run with it.... 8)

That very fast run... hmmm... the chromatic run is it?

Aiyah, haha... try as I like, i CAN'T improvise as out as I like still... sometimes I do try too hard and the effort comes across as strained. Still working on it...