New Rock Instrumental EP by Shern Wong


New member
Hello to the good people at SOFT,

My name is Shern Wong. I am a guitarist releasing a Rock Instrumental EP entitled "Bloom" and I would like to humbly invite you to check out my page at

to preview my music and find out a little bit more about me.

Some of you might remember me being involved in the SOFT guitar day on 2nd May 2008, where I was given the honour of doing a workshop together with Malek, Addy Rasidi & Rosli Mansor as part of a collaboration between SOFT and the Fretboard Frenzy group.

Coming Saturday 2nd May 2009 (Coincidentally 2nd May again), I will be holding a gig at Earshot Cafe @ The ArtsHouse to launch the EP. The time is 7:30pm. All are welcome, admission is FREE. The EP will be on sale at the venue for 10 SGD a copy.

Please feel free to leave your comments & add me up, I would love to hear from all of you.

See you on 2nd May at Earshot Cafe

Many Thanks,
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The music sounds kickass!
Might not be able to make it for the EP launch though. Do update on where else is the EP available at, so those of us who can't make it to the launch can pick up a copy from the stores :D

All the best for the launch!
Thanks guy for the kind comments & support, will definately let all know where the cd will be available through myspace, keep checking back

smurfpiss - thanks for catching on to the celtic jig part :)
I'll be there and hope to see fellow SOFT members to be there as well to support the launch and more importantly, enjoy the music. Cheers.
hope to see some of you there tonight! EP launch is tonight! if anyone of you who are free and are willing to check it out. do come down. its free anyways!!! see ya rock on!
the first thing i thought ewhen listening to blooom was "petrucci!' and that was probably it. when and where will your EP be distributed? i'll buy one. :D
Thank you

Thx guys I feel honoured to be compared to a heavyweight like Petrucci.

Firstly, I wanna say thanks to all the good folks who came to the launch and got a copy of the cd.

The Launch is over but more is yet to come! For those who could not come to the launch but wish to get a copy of the CD, you can get a copy from me directly. PM me here, or on MySpace, or send me an email at my website. Videos will be up soon.

2 more shows are happening @ the esplanade concourse on 7th & 8 May 2009 8:15pm entitled "Another Side of Bloom", hope to see you there. The CD will be available there also only 10 SGD a copy. More details at

Add me up on Facebook, Myspace:

Once again, thanks all for the support and well wishes


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I know Shern as the friendly drum and cymbal assistant at Yamaha PS. Totally din know about this side about him man! Wow Shern you can hell play the guitar, I'll try to come down for this coming week's show.

Oh I'm Jimmy here btw.
saw the videos, heard the songs, pretty good stuff!
sorry i couldn't make it down, but I hope you had a good one!

Sounding good from the vids Shern!
Will try to pop by Esplanade for your gig tomorrow night and grab a copy of your EP :)