New Jamming Studio along South Bridge Road!

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Hi guys,
We have a new studio opened up at South Bridge Road.
The address is as follows:
Ninja Soukutsu/Shogun Studios
19 South Bridge Road
Singapore 058660
(Next to 7-Eleven)

The studio is inside the lanshop on the 2nd floor as we are affiliated with the lanshop aswell.
Its open to all SOFTies at a low rate of $10 per hour from 12 noon to 6 am everyday.
Bookings can be made by calling 8102-1015.

Equipment that we offer:
Blackheart All-tube Guitar Amp
Hughes & Kettner 4x12 Cab
Blackstar All-tube Guitar Amp
Blackstar 1x12 and Epiphone 1x12 Cab
Trace Elliot Boxer 30 Bass Amp
Hartke KM60 Amp for vocals
Pearl 8-piece drumset with double-bass pedal provided
wow great one of those studios comes with a bass practice amp to compete sonically with a black heart w/ 4x10....

QFT. No way a 30-watt bass amp can compete with a 30-watt tube guitar amp...

wow great one of those studios comes with a bass practice amp to compete sonically with a black heart w/ 4x10....

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It used to be a private studio, we are not using it often anymore
so we thought we open it up to SOFTies at a super low rate at all times, just enough to cover the rental

The bass amp is definitely loud enough to compete with the other amps
unless u really wan to max out the guitar amps

ALL profits will be used to upgrade the studio,
We aim to give SOFTies a better and more affordable place to jam
It used to be a private studio, we are not using it often anymore
so we thought we open it up to SOFTies at a super low rate at all times, just enough to cover the rental

The bass amp is definitely loud enough to compete with the other amps
unless u really wan to max out the guitar amps

ALL profits will be used to upgrade the studio,
We aim to give SOFTies a better and more affordable place to jam

a 30 watter can never be loud to compete with a tube 15 watt guitar amp how to mix with those high end tube amp? and it can't even compete even tho those amps are at 1, dun need to say max out hahahaha.... iit can;t even compete with a very extremely tired drummer.

u need at least a 400 watts bass amp to get heard. a typical guitard jaming studio
Hi guys,
We have a new studio opened up at South Bridge Road.
The address is as follows:
Ninja Soukutsu/Shogun Studios
19 South Bridge Road
Singapore 058660
(Next to 7-Eleven)

The studio is inside the lanshop on the 2nd floor as we are affiliated with the lanshop aswell.
Its open to all SOFTies at a low rate of $10 per hour from 12 noon to 6 am everyday.
Bookings can be made by calling 8102-1015.

Equipment that we offer:
Blackheart All-tube Guitar Amp
Hughes & Kettner 4x12 Cab
Blackstar All-tube Guitar Amp
Blackstar 1x12 and Epiphone 1x12 Cab
Trace Elliot Boxer 30 Bass Amp
Hartke KM60 Amp for vocals
Pearl 8-piece drumset with double-bass pedal provided

i admire your bravery but.... with all those irresponsible singaporean guitarists that don't know shit about music, those amps aren't going to last very long.

there's a reason why most practice studios in Singapore employ solid state amps.

may i be allowed to make a suggestion? if you want to impress consumers, do it with the guitars you house.

like a straight line of 3 strat copies, 3 tele copies, 3 LP copies.. something like that. if they see consistency in the instruments, they're likely to receive them better.

most singaporean guitarists don't know anything about tube amps, but they like to think they know alot about their instruments, going by the amount of people telling us how Ash is brighter than Alder.

You don't have to spend $10,000 on guitars. Just make sure the instruments you house show some level of consistency, some evidence of effort. I guarantee you'll have damn good reviews!
leceh lah need to tweaked the PA knobs, etc..etc..but that will work that what i do if the bass amp in a studio suck major balls and they have nice PA. but now my board dun have any DI kinda thing.
Regarding the bass amp
we will try to get a better one soon

Answering some of the phonecall enquirers

we do not provide guitar and bass or keyboard, you would have to bring you own

there is no peak hour charges, the studio is $10 at all times,
monday to sunday, 12pm to 6am
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