New guitar in US


New member
umm I'll be going to the US in dec, and i was wondering what guitar should i get from there? i considered prs but seeing some threads on how its factory made and the price is too high, a fender strat but i don't know which one is good, or a gibson les paul. Any suggestions? i don't mind other brands too as long as its good and i'll have a try at it:) thanks in advance:)
Modern Gibsons really in my opinion, suck. Really. So..... I'm sure there are good ones coming out, but if you don't really know how to look, plonking 3k average on it seems iffy...

Fenders too are suspect nowadays I feel. PRS has always had good quality for the price you pay. However if we want to go deeper, you could get oddles of quality more over a PRS for the same price with the tonnes of 'independent' guitar builders stateside.

Go into a good guitar shop and look around. Sometimes the brand should not matter. Yeah its cool to have a Gibson in your hands but I suggest going to a guitar convention or show or a 2nd hand music store to look for a 'brand' one. Who knows you may come out with a millennium era Gibson that sounds and plays cool or a.

Personally I would rather a Japanese Fender that kicks butt for 1k then a modern no soul generic materials American Strat for 1.8k.
hmm thanks, but i heard some people say PRS since becoming 'bigger' the quality has dropped rather than the handmade ones last time. Are second hand guitars better than first hand?
Are second hand guitars better than first hand?
well that depends on how you look at it.
my friend bought a second hand bass, and loved it. whenever we ask abt the chips on it and stuff, he would say "wood come off, lighter what!".. and also when we asked him whether it was second hand, he said, " where got secondhand. this one i buy ah, seasoned la."

so, my point is, it's from your view. test it first. best advice i can give u.
well that depends on how you look at it.
my friend bought a second hand bass, and loved it. whenever we ask abt the chips on it and stuff, he would say "wood come off, lighter what!".. and also when we asked him whether it was second hand, he said, " where got secondhand. this one i buy ah, seasoned la."

so, my point is, it's from your view. test it first. best advice i can give u.

the correct term is human-roadworn:D
Seriously u can get a gd discount with anything distributed by sweelee from the US. Especially with regards to Gibson guitars. How about a sg standard/special. These go for under us$900 (special) us$1200 (standard) now. That would be an obvious target.

Another possibility are ibanez prestige guitars.
eg: rg1570 music123 -$1k us sweelee website:2033

current exchange rates: savings of $500!

Savings increase, the more expensive the guitar.
eg:jem77v music123 - $$2500us sweelee website: $5300

current exchange rates: savings of $1000+

Whoa the service there i tell you.

I asked to test a Gibson Les Paul Custom.

No questions asked. They gave me a pick and cable, then told me to pick any amp i wanted.

There were Mesas, Marshalls and Peaveys everywhere.

The service in US is REALLY a stark contrast to Singapore.
Buying guitar in the US

Plenty of guitars in The US. But you must plan what to buy otherwise you will regret the minute you arrive at Changi airport. If a guitar is only slightly cheaper than those in Singapore then I suggest you buy them here. At least, the importer will be responsible if there are defects.My friend bought a Gibson 335 from the States which was checked in as normal luggage. When he opened the hard case he was so surprised to see that there was a big crack at the joint where the body and the neck meets. He wrote to the shop where he bought it but was told to bare all freight charges and land transportation back to the US. What really happened no body knew. Since you are going all the way there and you insist that you must bring a guitar back then I suggest you hand carry a Gibson Supreme back. You can buy one with Desert burst flame for US3500 with a hard case. The same one will cost you about S$7000.
But there is still a risk buying stuff from overseas.
Good Luck
ouch I wouldn't check in the normal Gibson hardcase. It's not meant for air travel lol. Either get a flightcase, hand carry or ship it back. Gibson are prone to break at the neck so make sure that area is well padded and supported.
well..if im you..i will probably get something more something that u cant find in maybe a duesenberg?
Well i used to work in the airport but not in the cargo areas... N wat i could say is dat if you go buy a guitar or anything that is fragile. Its better you hand carry it coz i've seen the ways how the cargo people handle the precious luggages. Honestly it is just horrible...they just dont care whats inside. So hand carry its much better.
giving you more options here. have you considered a warmoth? put aside the brands for a moment, and do have a look at the warmoth site and the members' guitars, see if there is anything that you fancy or give you some ideas. cheers
And in Guitar Centre, they won't look at you as though you can't afford their guitars unlike some stores here in Singapore. Enjoy yourself there, and it's definitely cheaper.

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