New Band Searching for Bassist!!


New member
hi guys,
My band is looking for a bassist to complete our lineup! We are recently form and lookin for a committed bassist to join us and hope to get tight and aim for the big stage.

We are a group of fun lovin peeps, age btw 20 - 25. We play mostly top40 and some occasion progressive and alternative rock and usually jam once a week mostly on a weekend afternoon.

Welcome anyone to join us, even if u r a beginner as long u r committed and willing to improve.

Feel free to pm me or email me at Hope to hear from your guys soon:).

Hey guys,

What music do u guys play? Originals? Covers? if so, which bands? And do u guys have like a fanpage say FB or Myspace which i could check out?

Thank you.
Hey dudes...

24, bassist, playing gigs for over 4 years axp, stopped in 2007 due to NS commitments

Have been looking around for 9 months to kickstart my passion again..

Btw, Im heavily influenced in classic rock, funk rock (RHCP) and punk rock...

Am very flexible with genres..

Btw, not that too pro. May have lose touch cuz havent been touching the bass for 2 1/2 years...

Btw, PM me.... :)