Need Vocalist to do Wide Range Vocals for Small Project


New member
Hi guys,

I'm looking for vocalist who has a high chest voice for a mini project. This project will dig into unconventional and experimental stuff (e.g. Progressive Technical Metal, Djent, Progressive Rock etc), with odd time, big chords (minor 9s etc) and melodic materials. I found the rest of the band already, so all I need is a vocalist with such calibre. I am aiming for an EP size project, and will dedicate 6 months into it. If everything goes well, we will participate in gigs, studio recordings and competitions.

With that being said, we are still tertiary students, so our skills level probably cannot be compared to the pros out there. Please tolerate us noobs! :p

To let you have a rough idea of what kind of vocalist and music(no gender preference), here's a few links:

Let me know what you think! :D
