Need some tips on starting off with an Electric guitar ^_^

Marcus Henry

New member
Heya guys, I am a beginner in the electric guitar scene, I am kinda looking for advice as to what guitar to get and how to start off with the guitar.

For the guitar wise, I am kinda looking for something closer to what produces rock sounds like those in Jap rock. And busget would be around SGD 500 any suggestions?

Do you have any suggestions as to where to start of in terms of learning how to play around with the electric guitar?
Well Welcome!

I like the way you said electric guitar scene. First time I heard it bro but no worries =]

You should look for a humbucker equipt guitar. Don't understand? Look it up and take the time to learn and absorb these terms. Basically a humbucker is a pickup, and they produce the sound as you play your guitar into the amplifier. There are a few types of pickups, so just letting you know humbuckers are mainly the way to go for your style of music. But anything's possible in guitar world yeah?

There are many many brands and types you could choose. I'm no modern music person so I can't give you good recommendations, although I could safely say a Ibanez in that price range could do it for you.

Do keep in budget a amplifier. Lots of people forgot that the amplifier is 50% of your sound, and not just the guitar. So budget some for a good one to keep you happy to learn and practice your guitar. Vox Valvetronic or a Marshall MG series for about 300 bucks could do it.
I second the recommendation of an Ibanez guitar. Should fit your style of jap rock.

For amplifier, get a Roland Cube. An amplifier with a lot of built in effects which you can take time to learn and have fun. They can be found at Swee Lee.
Heyya pertaining to your question as to how to get started with an e. guitar - well, if you want to go far I suppose the key to attaining clean and fast playing at the more advanced level is to lay down strong foundations in your fingering and picking techniques right at the start.

I've made it a point to spend at least an hour everyday to practice scales, in particular chromatic scales, to improve my right and left hand coordination. It's kinda dry and repetitive but it all counts for something in the end.
I second the post ^^^^.

Playing clean and clear is uber important in playing like your Jrock/Anime-cool-guitar-music heros. They all did it too, sit there for hours a day doing chromatic finger exercises and running scales and studying enough or more than enough music theory to get them there.

I have a retardedly small and weak pinky. I could never play with it when I started. I just had to force myself everyday for maybe 2-4hours doing chromatics. It helps if you have a TV in your room, so you could do it and not go crazy. I still can't bend a string with my pinky, but at least I can PLAY the guitar.

All the best in your adventures!