Need some advice in playing...


New member
Hey how long do you guys spend time on your guitar a day? 2 hours? 3 hours?

I've got friends within one year then become some shredders liao...

I put in hard work yet still as lousy...

Btw practise on what? I practise alot on chromatics, maj scale and pentatonics...

Got any other ways to practise accuracy + speed?

Oh and also picking wise, like how to pick real fast like paul gilbert? hehe

this is what i do

den do reverse from bottom up..... this one really trains ur fingering and also no need to focus so much... can practise while watching tv... next time u tink no kick liao can try using ur pick.. down stroke den up stroke for each note... this one very simple exercise... but i find it very good to train speed and accuacy...

another way to practise is but trying to solo to every single song on radio... hahh.... sounds silly... but it trains ur hearing. its not easy to catch the key but by trial and error u'll see after sometime u can catch the keys faster...
best is if u got a friend... den he jus play a riff of chords and then u solo to it.... once more is improves ur hearing, rhythem and creativity... anyway
its fun

As for ur friend... dun think too much into it... people learn different things at diffferent rate... most important is u dun giv up....just continue practising
Jayshen said:
this is what i do
Yes and No. You want to do this but also try -1-4-3-2- or 3-2-4-1 Just switch the order up. Once you are comfortable with a pattern change to a new one. Do this all over the fret board and don't just move your hand straight up and down the fret board move from 1-2-3-4 to 19-18-17-16 and so on. String skipping is also one of the most important things to learn how to do quickly.
The basic scales on the guitar you have to get it correct. However, most important is your rhythmic beat training when you practise. You can get pentatonic scale correct. If you did not spend everyday two hours training on rhythm beat training you definetly cannot be one of the guitarists who can play very fast.

Ear training is important, every two hours spend on switching on the metronome, and try to follow the metronome beat and play a rhythmic pattern. Or you can play a song with beat, and follow the beat to play their rhythmic pattern.

Rhythmic beat training is the sole training of all other trainings on guitar.

Ok... So do you guys recommend by playing songs and getting used to their patterns. Or spend alot of time on this chromatics...

Cause songs solos come in alot of pattern and maybe once u master that solo u can play that pattern easily?

Or Chromatics is more efficient?
nice tips guyz. but i have this problem. i think my fingers are too fat or fleshy. my fingers kinda seem to brush the adjacent strings often. and just want to clarify something. when you guyz say low action and high action you're talking abt the height of the strings from the fretboard right? is a low action or high action guitar better? do they compromise the tone/sound quality?
It doesn't matter if your fingers are fat and fleshy, just look at malmsteen, he's fat and he shreds. The thing is you'll need to work on your right hand picking technique, how to mute other strings other than the ones being played, so even when your fingers brush adjacent strings, no additional noise will be produced.

String action does affect playability. Usually set to the personal preference of the player. Shredders generally have low action to accelerate quickly. Blues players have high action and heavy string gauges to somehow help bring the emotion and feel of the music out. Tone and sound quality isn't really compromised as there are artists using either and still sound good.

Hope this helps.
Jayshen said:
this is what i do

den do reverse from bottom up..... this one really trains ur fingering and also no need to focus so much... can practise while watching tv... next time u tink no kick liao can try using ur pick.. down stroke den up stroke for each note... this one very simple exercise... but i find it very good to train speed and accuacy...

another way to practise is but trying to solo to every single song on radio... hahh.... sounds silly... but it trains ur hearing. its not easy to catch the key but by trial and error u'll see after sometime u can catch the keys faster...
best is if u got a friend... den he jus play a riff of chords and then u solo to it.... once more is improves ur hearing, rhythem and creativity... anyway
its fun

As for ur friend... dun think too much into it... people learn different things at diffferent rate... most important is u dun giv up....just continue practising

ok just wanna clarify this diagram. 1 2 3 4 is the frets right? or not? so you guys use ur pointer,middle,ring and pinky fingers to play the string respectively or what? i tried to use all four fingers but found it kinda awkward. had to stretch the fingers a bit. sorry but i'm really a noob so just finding out.
Yea 1234 are the fret positions.

Just use:

1--index finger
2--middle finger
3--ring finger

Feels awkward at first but you'll get used to it then it becomes real easy.
mix up the fingerings to challenge yourself further. Eg. 2-1-4-3 or 4-1-2-3
Play these at the same speed as you would the 1-2-3-4.

Also, practice both strict alternate picking and economy picking.

Try starting with upstrokes as well as downstrokes.

String-skipping will push your technique further too.

Your technique will grow by leaps and bounds if you do all these consistently.
beckerfan said:
Jayshen said:
this is what i do
Yes and No. You want to do this but also try -1-4-3-2- or 3-2-4-1 Just switch the order up. Once you are comfortable with a pattern change to a new one. Do this all over the fret board and don't just move your hand straight up and down the fret board move from 1-2-3-4 to 19-18-17-16 and so on. String skipping is also one of the most important things to learn how to do quickly.

this guy is "improving" on wat jay shen is saying...
what the golden rule of this training...
1. do not leave your finger as much as possible
2. look at your pick, don flap more than needed
I think people train and learn at different rates.

Always train with a focus you wanna learn a new song...a new technique...a new lick. Makes practices more focused and interesting.

I never think shredding is a "wonderful" thing to learn. If you run a simple 30min practice everyday, 2 or 3 mths later, u'll be able to shred no problem.

The harder thing to discover and learn is your "expression" thru music.

I've got a friend who can't shred for nuts but his rythmn skills is so superb, play off-beats, reggae, problem!

Personally, I like to frustrate shredders by playing 'impossible' chords. lol...

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