H hasanur New member Aug 2, 2005 #1 hey i would like to know which bass gadget is good?...is the sansamp bass driver good?...how abt the hartke bass attack?.
hey i would like to know which bass gadget is good?...is the sansamp bass driver good?...how abt the hartke bass attack?.
3 3notesAbar New member Aug 2, 2005 #2 try the bass attack. hurts the wallet far less at 120+, as opposed to 300+ for the sansamp.
P Prataz New member Aug 3, 2005 #3 Yepz! The Bass Attack rules! Except you need to make the knobs more visible at nite as it's all chrome... #@%@#%@#%@#% I'm using fabric paint (neon) to make the level markers visible =) Btw wat kind of sound are u looking for?
Yepz! The Bass Attack rules! Except you need to make the knobs more visible at nite as it's all chrome... #@%@#%@#%@#% I'm using fabric paint (neon) to make the level markers visible =) Btw wat kind of sound are u looking for?
H hasanur New member Aug 4, 2005 #4 the kind of sound i want is a slap bass tone...btw which store sells the bass attack?..
3 3notesAbar New member Aug 4, 2005 #6 You'll get more than just your slap tone with the Bass Attack. Have fun man!