Need Recomendation....


New member
hi... do you think recording using a laptop is a good idea?
can anyone recomend me any good software for recording inside a jamming room...
i support recording with a laptop as its harddisk as very quiet. However, you would need to upgrade it to a 1gig ram. how many tracks are you planning to record at the same time?

Hi, i am very sori that i didn't reply ur replyz 'till today... btw thx for the reply guyz... i really appriciate it.... btw i am planing to record just in 1 shoot, and i record it all together... is it a good idea? or izzit better if i record 1 by 1 every instrument? hm.... may i know what software is good for recording and what do i need actually... hm... i am not too sure of what i am doing with my recording... normally i record it by a microphone.... the result quit good... but i wish i could get a better quality.... could you give me a suggestion.... anybody there.... (^_^)
record all at once = live
bad : one player play wrong , all restart together.
good : recording a song finishes faster.
bad : lower quality for mic bleed. and in your case using 1 mic only, it wouldn't matter. just to let you know ppl usually use up to 10+ mic/channels to record live. y'know..

record one by one = layer
good : one player play wrong, one play re-take himself
bad : recording a song may take quite a few hours.
good : it's better sounding recording than just 1 mic (mono) with seperate tracks at least you can pan guitars left and right make it sound stereo. but in your case, having only 1 mic.. you'll need to start saving up for extra equipment

software = free is good. use audacity.

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