Need opinion from music teachers.


New member
Hi ,

I want to know more about this particular career , teaching music , can anyone , especially music teachers , tell me how it's like? As in like , what kind of personalities do you need to have? What's your responsibilites and priorities , etc.
I'm asking because , I'm stucked in a decision of whether to go poly , or go NAFA.
I love music , but I'm not sure if I'm able to teach music , as for me, playing and teaching is 2 very different things. So before I make the decision , I would really want to know what it's like.
Go to Poly and study Marketing.. you will never go wrong..!
Whether you eventually become a music teacher, or perform in bands out there, you still need to MARKET urself..!
Well, go Nafa and graduate there. Then apply for AMIS instructor. AMIS requirement at least 5 'o' level with a pass in English. But you need to beef up your portfolio like what music grade you have, performances, composition....etc. Now primary and secondary school are using AMIS system to tender Music CCA to outsider. Go this route if you dun wan to be bond with music teaching in Nafa.
@parablue74 , unfortunately I got into computer engineering :/ (But it's actually something I'm interested in , minus the math.) I don't really like marketing lol..

@kongwee , What's AMIS? I looked up the website but I'm still not sure what it is .

Would it be a wise choice to spend some years at music schools like Cristofori or Yamaha , then go on the private route?
There is no official website.
You need to call MOE on this matter.
He or she will email the application to you.
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