need help.


New member
hey im not good in maintaining my guitar, i dun really know how to repair it if its spoil. and now i have a problem. my guitar is spoilt. theres something wrong wth the input or something. when ever i plug in the cable there is this loud buzzing noise coming from the amp. the problem is not in the amp or the cables, ive check. its my guitar. i need to adjust the cable to a certain position, then the buzzing will stop. but sometimes when im happily playing my guitar, the buzzing will somehow return... can anyone help me with this problem. thanks.
Probably the connection jack is loose. Either you tighten the connection yourself or get a luthier to fix it for you. Hope it helps.
Lifehouse is right. You have a grounding problem, probably caused by a break in the wiring somewhere near the jack (as you said sometimes it goes away when you move the guitar).

If you'd like to drop by my pace in Holland Drive, I can change the jack for you while you wait. Drop me an email at if you'd like to arrange this.



Yes I do charge.

If you have a friend with a soldering iron, you can ask him to do it for you. Just remove the jack and resolder two wires back onto the jack.

If you are still interested, drop me a line at


hey, yep i've opened the jack b4, the wires are soldered nicely, they are not out of place or anything. i think the problem lies somewhere else. any ideas?
You may have a damaged wire inside the electronics circuit. Unless you feel really enthusiastic about finding it, I suggest you get someone to look at it. Try cleaning the socket with contact cleaner and you may be lucky.


I suggest you seek out a professional help than ruin your guitar. Finding grounded or or shorted connection is not really easy to do unless you know the circuitry inside your guitar. However if you know electronics that would do but if you don't then spare the guitar. Find a friend who knows electronics. Your guitar is grounded. Do you play on a cement floor? Do you use damaged or low end cable? I had the same problem and I replaced mine with new cable and presto, theres no noise even on a cement floor. However yours can be a different problem that what I had.