need help with pickup


New member using near to useless aria pro 2 made in korea...
pickup configuration is single-single-humbucker.
i took out both the single coil and im using just the humbucker and i don play solo guitar tat much
im planning to buy an emg 81 pickup....will it sound gd?
just 1 humbucker pickup??
and i wanna also change the tremolo bridge to hard tail bridge?
is it possible?
plz help?
Hi Headwan, everything you shared here is implementable, however, the cost of the spares & services would get you a new guitar... i sincerely recommend you get a new axe & have an EMG in there... 8)

if you wish for a decent single humbucking guitar to mess around with, check out these offerings:

Squier Bullet Special (List: <$400)

BC Rich Ironbird (Body Art series) (List: $380)

BC Rich Mockingbird (Ditto)