Need help with equipment rental


New member
Hi all, i will be organising an outdoor gig for the very first time. I need contacts for rental of equipment. Equipments wise i'll need a 5pcs drumkit with cymbals and must be miked up, 2 guitar amps, bass amp, keyboard + amp, a few mikes, P.A system and of course a sound man. Sound wise cannot be too lousy, must have abit of standard. Budget is only 1k for equipment.

Anyone got any contacts to pass me?
you can try the studios and ask them for a quotation. i helped organise a gig during my jc days (they seem far away now... bloody thankless job) and i contacted luther

if you rent a drumset, there tends to be drum mics specifically meant for it. wherever mics are concerned, there will be PA. and don't think the studio will rent you a PA without their man there ;) if you take the studio's quote the sound will be ok. the problem comes when people try and chope and change with their own stuff, then got to improvise abit.

for outdoor gig, PA is essential. don't count on your amps being anything more than personal monitors. having said that, monitors are essential. at the bare minimum, for the vocals. you also got to either DI to the board or use condensers to mic up the amps. bassists tend to get di-ed because it is assumed that they will play clean. so if you got a chris wolstenholme wannabe you better make arrangements

sorry for the layman explanations, i am not an expert, i am just a layman