Need help with Engrand ..


New member
When someone says he wants something by december what is the impression of the dateline?

And if that person told you the first time by mid-december and phrase it to by december is it not a change in datelines?

(I hate dealing with unprofessional women with morning PMS's. )
Yes, there is a difference, by the way I interpret it. Im not sure if I am right or not. Anyway, to me, when my mum tells me, be home by 7pm, I interpret it as, I must be home BEFORE 7pm. So by december means before december, and by mid-december means before mid-december, which translates into a later dateline! Which means, you got cheated of half a month! Haha...thats how I interpret when people talk to me lah, im no expert in the language. Just sharing the way I'd interpret it... :)