Need Help! People Involve In YOG


New member
Hi there people. I need to do an interview on the people who are currently or have been involved in the YOG. Specificially on any one ahtletes who is going to take part in YOG or anyone who has participated during the ongoing of the bidding (as an intern/volunteer). This is actually part of my project.

So if anyone of you who are in the above category or at least know someone who is in that category, please PM me. details will be given to you when i recieve the msg. thank you and your help is greatly appreciated. :D
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if you guys and girls are shy or not really sure what's gonna happen in the interview, fret not. i will be glad to send you guys and girls the questions in Microsoft Word. Then all you need to do is to answer honestly (better if it could be in details) all the questions and send it back to me. No meetings whatsoever.

Simple as that. :D

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