need help in price aprox. Thanks =)


New member
hi everyone , im going to put a guitar together so i need a rough price approximation of the following , so that i can save up cash for it.

-Ibanez RG body ( 2nd hand ), either basswood or mahogany. ( i know for this price range can be a big difference as body can be from a prestige or the cheapest ibanez so what is like an average price for a non prestige. Can i get one with around 200? or 300? )

-Ibanez Neck wizard 1 or 2 ( 2nd hand ). ( rough price? )

-Gotoh Floating bridge , floyd rose. (1st hand)

Oh and if anyone has any of these pls PM me , but i wont be able to buy straight away. Thanks =)
Why make this when you can buy it? Lol..
Maybe it's just me, cause I feel that you can simply buy the RG with the Wizard neck and use their Edge bridge..