Need help for small casual setup for vocals and guitar!

Hi sound guys,

Have looked through the forums post but most of them are too technical ... so just with a plea for help!!!

Right now I have a very simple setup, which is Garageband, Macbook and internal mic. The result is the below link:
(Just a casual recording - cos i heard the song and well immediately wanted to just sing it - lyrics and rhythm all a bit out ...)

Basically I sing and play my guitar at the same time, but well firstly there is a lot of buzzing and all that ... what i am wondering is, with a budget of not more than 200 bucks how can I improve the sound of the recording, and in what way? I plan to record more stuff and just put them up - purely as a hobby and to monitor I am growing in terms of singing and playing ... but at the same time will want it to be nice of course :)

I have just read a few sites to improve that some suggest like getting a shure SM57/58 which should improve that. Would like to ask for your opinion on that and how much difference does that really make?

Will appreciate any help/explanations from everyone thanks!
Well, my suggestion will way blow your budget. A audio interface with a mic and line/guitar $170-$200.
Sm 58 mic($150-$180) can but you wanna make demo then a condenser is better $170-$220. Then accessories like headphone, cables, pop filter, that another $50-$100. Normally, that will push your mix to be demo quality.