Need help and answers about copyright issues!


New member
Hey there guys, i just need help on some issues.

1. How do i get copyright for Singapore cover songs? Only But they are very expensive though.

2. Just to record a song or album in a studio, how much have i got to pay??

3. Can i sell my singapore made songs on Itunes??

I am new in this industry, so please do help me?? Thanks! :D
1. Do you mean covering songs by other Singaporean musicians? Or getting copyright for your own songs that other people have covered?
Registering with compass is not necessary for copyright to arise, copyright here in Singapore exists by statute upon creation of the work. But registering is useful to have as evidence in the event any infringement does occur.
If you're uploading your own originals to YouTube you don't really need to be a member with compass. But if you plan to open a bar/pub/cafe, whether to cover other people's music or play your originals it would be a good idea to go to compass.

2. In the region of 10-15k for a full professional work I think, including mixing, mastering etc? But it's really up to as much as you want to. Can be as simple as a laptop in a bedroom, or as big as 30k.

3. Yes. But there's no iTunes store in Singapore of course, so your local friends here won't be able to buy them without any workarounds.