Need comments = )

Which guitar would you buy if you were me ?

  • Epiphone Les Paul Classic

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I hope this Poll wouldn't irritate you guys haha. (getting my first electric)
I know its tiring seeing all these kinda 'which one' threads, just hope to get some comments from those who had played any of these 2 electric guitars.

Well what I know is, these 2 guitars are 90% similar. Same price too. Besides being slightly different in their appearance (body/neck inlays) their pickups and number of frets are also different.
A LP Classic has 21 frets and uses an 'open-coiled humbucker'
(Gives a warmer tone)
A LP Standard has 22 frets and uses a 'covered/normal humbucker'

I was wondering why LP Classic haven't been talked about so much compared to LP Standard. I know its a personal thing to say which is better.
Maybe you might wanna say a LP Custom is better, but thats just too expensive for a first guitar isn't it -_-. Just hope to get reviews. Thanks.

Thanks, guys.
Skip the Epiphones, save abit more for the Tremonti SE or the PRS SE. My experience with Epis are horrible. I bought 2. One made in china the other korea. The china one had bad fret dressing with frets popping out (not significantly visible to the eye) which is very irritating. The korean one had a bad jack, but was much much beter than the MIC.

The Yamah AES shd be on your list too. The AES comes with SD pickup for the bridge as well. Tokais are recommended as well.
I have read lots of comments/reviews about bad Epiphone hardwares and faulty knobs. But I liked Les Paul very much and I guess only Swee Lee sells the Les Paul I love most. But its a Gibson. Epiphone has a model almost the same like Gibson's but with slightly different headstock shape. Tokai Les Paul models are not as good looking ley, Yamaha's guitar too. Somemore this is my first electric guitar ... I dont wanna spend more than $800 on a Guitar and an Amp. Argh, my friends have been telling me not to buy an Epiphone, get an Ibanez instead. But, I love les paul so much !! Arggh ... I just can't ...

over-tuned said:
I have read lots of comments/reviews about bad Epiphone hardwares and faulty knobs. But I liked Les Paul very much and I guess only Swee Lee sells the Les Paul I love most. But its a Gibson. Epiphone has a model almost the same like Gibson's but with slightly different headstock shape. Tokai Les Paul models are not as good looking ley, Yamaha's guitar too. Somemore this is my first electric guitar ... I dont wanna spend more than $800 on a Guitar and an Amp. Argh, my friends have been telling me not to buy an Epiphone, get an Ibanez instead. But, I love les paul so much !! Arggh ... I just can't ...


to each his or her own, i'm not much of a les paul fan, and i have seen first hand that the quality standards are very erm...flexible? imo, over the last few months i've been hearing nicer tones coming out of a few different special iis compared to lp standards, standard plus, and classic

bottom line, look really carefully when getting an epiphone if you do get 1

if you are satisfied with the display piece, dun be a kiasu singaporean and ask for a new 1, because the quality control is extremely poor, the craftsmanship on each piece may differ tremendously
Wah kao, is it really THAT SCARY AHHH ! Then if thats really the case I would rather get any RG Ibanez leh ! As I said liao mah, I'm new to Electric guitars. I dont know how to see leh. I see every guitar hor, like all no problem de leh ! And how do i know if its made in China or Korea !? Wah kao. I'll check for Fret Buzz, check for dents, check for neck ... wah blur man ... For the pass 1 month, I have been reading lots of forums and asking lots of people. They all said Epi got quality control problems ...

But there isn't much choices leh. I love les paul ...
Hmm, you mean even an Epi LP Classic/Standard which cost $750 have those shitty workmanship problems ah... I trust Swee Lee and Guitars brought into Singapore leh ...

siao le la ...
over-tuned said:
Wah kao, is it really THAT SCARY AHHH ! Then if thats really the case I would rather get any RG Ibanez leh ! As I said liao mah, I'm new to Electric guitars. I dont know how to see leh. I see every guitar hor, like all no problem de leh ! And how do i know if its made in China or Korea !? Wah kao. I'll check for Fret Buzz, check for dents, check for neck ... wah blur man ... For the pass 1 month, I have been reading lots of forums and asking lots of people. They all said Epi got quality control problems ...

But there isn't much choices leh. I love les paul ...
Hmm, you mean even an Epi LP Classic/Standard which cost $750 have those shitty workmanship problems ah... I trust Swee Lee and Guitars brought into Singapore leh ...

siao le la ...

all the guitars i tried were from sweelee, anw its not really sweelees fault sometimes

about the ibanez thing, try to avoid the gio series also, same quality control problems
LOL I can't really make up my mind now. Still thinking of that Epi Les Paul.
I have lots of guitars in my mind, but they just cost too much to be my first electric guitar lor haha -_- Fender Satin Strat, Teles, Ibanez Jem series. Its the money problem hah. I wanted an Epi because I wanted to spend my $$$ on the guitar i like ma. I wouldn't be happy even if i get a cheap good ibanez. You know what i meant right. Thanks for comments anyway guys. Appreciated.
Why so many people choose LP Standard. Is it because of the 22 frets?
Hmm, strange.

Hey LifeHouse, you mean the problems on your Epi LP already existed before you bought them ah. Or izzit you play awhile le then got problem de?

Looks like I really must think twice before getting that Epi ...
Where are those happy Epi owners ...


haha. thanks for the replies.
urm u mentioned at the beginning of the thread 21 frets? i was of the impression that lespauls were all of 22 frets, gibson and epiphone especially so. according to the epiphone website, the LP classic had 22 :?

anyway, i think that essentially, being new to electric guitars and all, u should get a guitar that u like, and enjoy. else u get another guitar that u dun quite like, its abit "demoralizing" sometimes, u'll end up blaming the guitar for everything (it happens most of the time). however, with that in mind, and as stated above, its important to get a good guitar too. something that looks good, but plays and sounds like *beep* wont get you anywhere. 'sides, good playability and good tone will set u apart :wink: despite not-so-good looks. alternatively, try looking around for some other LP brand?

urm, as for ur choices, i think that u might not be happy with a normal fender strat and tele, as those are single coils equipped. u seem a slightly more humbucker oriented guy, maybe u could try fender's or squier's humbucker equipped guitars? imho, fender has better QC for just a little more $ than epiphone. abt squier, have to be a somewhat careful too
over-tuned said:
LOL I can't really make up my mind now. Still thinking of that Epi Les Paul.
I have lots of guitars in my mind, but they just cost too much to be my first electric guitar lor haha -_- Fender Satin Strat, Teles, Ibanez Jem series. Its the money problem hah.

You should think carefully before buying a guitar then.

Find out what genres you want to play, and check out what guitars are used for the songs you like and listen to and want to emulate.

Visit each guitar shop, and play with the guitars for a long period of time. Feel how thick, different each neck profile is, how the controls work, how heavy each guitar is, how to fret on each guitar. Make sure you know what you're buying, not just how expensive a guitar you are getting.

Being shy is NOT an option. I know it's awkward, but feel free to ask salespeople questions. Make them work. :)

Also, please do not correlate price with quality. There is a relation, but it's not 1:1. Having a cheap guitar does not mean that it is of poor quality. And the fact is that having a good amp tends to be more important than a good guitar.

Even the Ibanez and Squiers have good offerings. There's a ton of info at the Gear News 2005 section for you to digest if you're wondering what guitar to get.

There is a great deal of things about guitars we can talk about, but they're all highly subjective. Do spend time playing out each guitar and listen to the guitars. Be sure you like the sound.

At the end of the day, you wouldn't want to end up with a guitar that you thought would make you sound great, but struggle horribly with the things you dislike and cannot adapt to.
sorry i didn't vote.

i'm here to share this: Epi'd take on Gibson's Std/ Classic/ Custom models aren't true to the original specs. you'd retort by saying that Epi has the right to do so since their version is only a repro & incarnated on a budget. yes, they have every right to do so, but their Std/ Classic/ Custom is differentiated much by name than by feel & other appointments.

my advice would be to try them all & choose the one which suits you best, do not decide with reference to the model tag.

i also urge you to consider the Burny/ Tokai versions which are definitely value for money guitars. 8)
Thanks subversion, thor666, Fruitwine for your replies.

I think Fruitwine menstioned something i very much agree. I think especially for beginners like me, getting a guitar which he likes is very important. So it makes him really want to play more and practise harder.
I not only like the warm tone of LP but also the shape. My friends think I'm crazy. I guess most people would think the shape and design of a LP suck.
Fender's humbucker guitars are beyond my budget. Other brands such as Burny/Tokai are also rather expensive (since swee lee is having sale soon).

I am not new to guitars, but just electric guitars. I'm still quite a beginner since i started only around 7 months ago. I think I'm not so much into metal, but classic rock and maybe alittle bit of emo rock (lol dont laugh). I have tried 3 times an Ibanez RG and a few times of Epi LP Classic. I have also asked the salesman for comments but he seems to be blur-er than me. (sims drive outlet)
From what I have seen in the replies. It seems that Epiphone has bad quality control and its not worth purchasing.

I would like to know if choosing an Acoustic/Classical Guitar is the same as choosing an Electric. Electric guitars tend to have more problems?
What are the most important things to check/look out for when I'm trying out the guitar, ensuring that they have no flaws.

Anyone out there owns a Epiphone and think they're worth buying ?
NO ?

Haha. sian.
Thanks for all the replies.
Lifehouse said:
Do you need a floyd rose? One of the better offerings will be the Ibanez SZ series.

Are Floyd Rose better than Fender ? In terms of quality control and tone.
SweeLee don't sell them... Exceed budget -_-
How much will a decent Floyd Rose cost in SGD? Price range?