Need Amp Reconmendations


New member
Hey guys. My small amp finally died, so its time to get a new one I guess.

I'm looking for an amp that is about 20 to 40W. Something simple, i guess a built in OD will be good. Been looking around but I can't seem to make up my mind on the amp. Too many varieties and choices. Anyone can recondmend me a good amp and where to buy it and how much it roughly cost? It has to be good enough to play even at soft volume, but loud enough to do a little bit of performing, mianly in a small enclosed area

Also, what is the difference between a tube amp and a non-tube amp ar? Confused...
Hey guys. My small amp finally died, so its time to get a new one I guess.

I'm looking for an amp that is about 20 to 40W. Something simple, i guess a built in OD will be good. Been looking around but I can't seem to make up my mind on the amp. Too many varieties and choices. Anyone can recondmend me a good amp and where to buy it and how much it roughly cost? It has to be good enough to play even at soft volume, but loud enough to do a little bit of performing, mianly in a small enclosed area

Also, what is the difference between a tube amp and a non-tube amp ar? Confused...

You should try a Vox Pathfinder 15R. I think Davis or Swee Lee sells them for about 180? Not that sure since I bought that amp about 2 years ago before the inflation at some shop at Shaw Plaza at Balestier.

For about 180 bucks, you'll get an amp that, in my opinion, boosts one of the most pleasant clean sounds you'll find along with a sweet overdrive, spring reverb and built in delay. Plus, it's versatile. Meaning that you can play it loud and soft and it's overall tone makes it excellent for testing out pedals.

Then again, you'll have to test it out to decide for yourself.

And the main difference between tube amps and "non tube" amps is that tube amps provide a warmer, pick sensitive sound as compared to a "non tube", or solid state amp.

That's a rough idea! :mrgreen:
A Vox Pathfinder 15R would be a good choice. Available at Citymusic for $140 (when I bought it). For a 15W, it's really loud!.

You can also try a Roland Cube30X or an Ibanez TBX30R ($299). Both available at Swee Lee. The Cube 30X has great in-built effects and a power squeezer for maximum sustain without maximum volume. The TBX30R has great on-board distortion, have to tweak around to get a nice sound.
u might want to check out the Kustom Dual30RC (30W).
i'm using one now and it's a kick ass amp.
fantastic overdrive channel. u can get pop, punk all the way to metal tone one this.
and the clean channels sounds sweet too.
plus, it's equipped with Celestion speakers.
$250 for a brand new one is definitely a steal.

the VOX Pathfinder15R onboard drive isnt really fantastic in my opinion.
i used to own one before i sold it.
but the cleans are definitely sweet.
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