Need advise and suggestion


New member
i new to drum world and need help. i started learning heel toe technique for drum pedal last week. really heel toe( barefoot), i can do at decent speed but today i try using shoe and i cant get the technique right. do i keep training with shoe or during any jam or gig session take off my shoe and play with sock instead?
nope, still use shoe. not sure for everyone, but i think heel toe work best with long board. i have size 11 1/2 size feet still able to do it with shoe but need to place my foot slightly above when place bare foot.... well almost the tip of my shoe hit the chain. after a while i able to do it.... so now it dilemma... stick with the pedal i have now or get a long board pedal... well time and budget will decide.
hahah nice shoe... i like skate shoes... maybe i get the old school vans... rather change long board, try change shoe first if still doesnt work, atleast have a pair of new shoe