New member
I'm Siv, Editor of Navigator Magazine. We are a monthly, free lifestyle magazine distributed islandwide and though we are small (A6 sized), we try to fit in as much information as possible. As part of my efforts to increase awareness in local music (since i'm a musician myself), I am opening up our music reviews section to include local bands as well. As of now, in the past 2 issues I have already reviewed Cosmic Armchair's EP as well as My Write's debut album. If you are a local band, artist and you are releasing an album or have just recently released one, please e-mail me at and I will let you know what to do from there. Dont worry there is no fee or whatsoever, take it as a favour from one musician to another
I'm Siv, Editor of Navigator Magazine. We are a monthly, free lifestyle magazine distributed islandwide and though we are small (A6 sized), we try to fit in as much information as possible. As part of my efforts to increase awareness in local music (since i'm a musician myself), I am opening up our music reviews section to include local bands as well. As of now, in the past 2 issues I have already reviewed Cosmic Armchair's EP as well as My Write's debut album. If you are a local band, artist and you are releasing an album or have just recently released one, please e-mail me at and I will let you know what to do from there. Dont worry there is no fee or whatsoever, take it as a favour from one musician to another
