i somehow disagree shouting at the customer, if singapore wants 10/10 service, i suggest just putting up a fallacious smile and curse her in your heart...well jus my thoughts:) no offence anyone
the world is full of these kinda people, but it depends on luck, just apologise as if it were your fault and the 'custermers'(or rather jackasses) would have nothing more to do or say, some people are more pride councious and would rather argue back... but the 'customer is always right' saying, usually works(for customers)... Boss gets complaints, we get fired, scolded or suspended... usually, the really fussy customers are the older generations, chinese around 40-50 plus...
spikes said:
usually, the really fussy customers are the older generations, chinese around 40-50 plus...

hmm.. not really. for me. the real fussy customers are usually 20-30 office ladies.
most OL r like tat 1....... especailly the not chio type........ just dun noe y they r like tat......... :oops:

maybe their bosses r giving them a hard time so they r looking 4 ppl 2 vent their anger?....... :lol:

hahaah! nono.. not really.. mine is kinda diff.. those pretty pretty looks a lil high class OL.. are most probably the fussy customers but i'm not infering that all of them are like that.
Kaye said:
hey people! hmm i'm currently working as a sales person at some store, shall not reveal the company's name.. or else i might be dead.

I realise.. that some of those office ladies ARE SO NASTY AND CHOOSY AND FUSSY! can die man.

HMM.. working part time is reaaal sad.. we get scolding here and there. And it's not our fault at all! HMPH.. they are so mean,

so this lady came to collect her thingy, she complain that the thingy is not up to her standard, although we tried redo-ing for her, and i'm really really sure that this time round, her order was really really up to standard. COME ON! we did say that we cant confirm a 100%. But anyway she came down with her mum, another nasty person. Her mum was like: come on dont be lying, i'm sure it's not even up to 10% of what i want.. and they were so nasty! i did apologise to them! and they freaking didnt say anything! IT WASNT MY FAULT!

argh.. sometimes how i wish i could jus yell at them. BUT hell no.. i almost cried. hahahahahaha okok i'm a whimpy. she was hell scary ok!

:( sigh... i wonder why people can be so nasty. we are jus part timers.

and how can i not be a whimpy? :(

welcome to the jungle. :twisted:

if these assholes CONTINUE to bug you... well... i dont usually say this, but i would just cut off the head, and arms and put them in seperate bags, but the head in some random MRT and leave the other body parts in some park somewhere...

thats what i usually do... just a suggestion
Re: assholes

TylerDrake said:
if these assholes CONTINUE to bug you... well... i dont usually say this, but i would just cut off the head, and arms and put them in seperate bags, but the head in some random MRT and leave the other body parts in some park somewhere...

thats what i usually do... just a suggestion

hahahah nice one
ok kaye when u see them again give me a call ill hold and grab them then u hit them hard ok :twisted:
Re: assholes

hahahah nice one
ok kaye when u see them again give me a call ill hold and grab them then u hit them hard ok :twisted:

NO.. what if they SUE US! i have no money for lawyer. sob sob.

Hahah that's what i do, go home and complain and talk about my grandmother story

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