My Son's Epiphone LPC - Alpine White... shifty ????

Holy cow! That is beautiful!!!! Only thing I'm not digging are the pickup Colours haha.

Beautiful job on stripping the paint! you did it yourself?
Yeah I know they are OBIANG ryte... my son personal choice.... hahaha. I did it over the weekend or on my off days...
its painstaking :( wont do it again leh...
Haha yeah obiang is the word, but different people have dofferent taste la :D

Anyway great Job! You've turned a epi copy into a gorgeous guitar!

I always though if u sand the body, the bindings will come off as well.
Actually not so easy... but it did when I was once too careless , as i used a scrapper (impatient).... thanks at least i ll keep it till i saved enuff for a gibby lp classic... woooow
You stripped off the paint? I admire your efforts! I would never do that, even if I had the time. I just lack the patience.