My Robert Keeley DS-1 Ultra has arrived!


New member
Here are the sound clips as promised, please pardon the horrible playing.

Before the clips I shall describe my rig a little, and as usual with all these stuff, YMMV, yadda yadda.

My setup consists of a Fender Strat, a Robert Keeley DS-1 Ultra, a DOD FX-100, and a Samick 15w bass amp. It's recorded with a BMB karaoke mic aimed directly at the speaker cone with a small stand, directly into my laptop. The software I used was Sound Forge 6.

There are 2 sets of clips; both sets have my DOD FX-100 set up as a booster pedal. The 1st set has the FX-100 placed before the DS-1, boosting the input for a more saturated sound. The 2nd set has the FX-100 placed after the DS-1, boosting the output for a volume/solo boost. You will notice that the FX-100 has a very midrangy output while the DS-1 is very mid scooped.

The settings are as follows:
The DS-1 is set to the All-Seeing-Eye mode, tone set at 12 o'clock, level set to 9 o'clock, distortion is maxed out at 5 o'clock.

The DOD FX-100 has the output maxed out at 5 o'clock, lows maxed out at 5 o'clock, highs set at about 1 o'clock, and drive set near the minimum, around 7-8 o'clock.

My amp has the high set at around 1 o'clock, mid at around 3 o'clock, and low maxed out at 5 o'clock. And for the sake of it, the volume is at 4 o'clock and the master is at 11 o'clock.

My guitar has the volume maxed out, tone at 7, and pickups set to the bridge.

So now.. here are the clips!

Guitar -> FX-100 -> DS-1 -> Amp (saturated)
Guitar -> FX-100 (off) -> DS-1 -> Amp
Guitar -> DS-1 -> FX-100 (off) -> Amp
Guitar -> DS-1 -> FX-100 -> Amp (solo boost)

Comments are welcome! :D
how much did you pay?..

honestly i didnt really find the sound very desirable.. i can hear an increase in gain but i prefer my stock ds-1 ...
maybe you can try flattening all the eqs at 12o'clock. and maxing out your guitar's vol and tone. this will show more of the RK ds-1.
About $214.. I didn't quite like the sound when I 1st got it anyway but it kinda grew on me. I think the next purchase would be a TS-9 to compliment this pedal.. I kinda like the sound of the TS-9 but it doesn't have enuff saturation for metal I feel. I can turn down the distort but I'm trying to demonstrate the full saturation capabilities of this pedal. Metal Zone not needed ;)
Sounds pretty cool. But i think i'll stick to my dod250 :)

Just curious, how long did they take to ship the pedal to you?
hmm..not sure but when i had my ds-1 2 yrs ago, i remember being able to dial in a tone kinda close to yours muthy...and now that you mention it, i feel like getting a ds-1 back haha..maybe find an MIJ one..
Instead of spending the money on modded boss pedal, maybe it be a better choice to save for a new amp. Seriously, the clips are ok, but if there is chance to record the clips again, through a proper combo amp(at least). Iam very sure that the tone will have much much more improvement.
Hi Muthy, saw your SEM mod DS1 that day when you jammed at my place. Sorry, I was a bit busy to come check out the sound. Maybe when you come the next time, I can check it out.

I am also looking for stock DS1, if you got any frien who wants to sell, I'd be glad to offer. I did a mod before previously (based on an article on the web), but the owner took it the next day I completed, so no chance to evaluate fully.
Hey mike I think you've mistaken, I came to your place with the DOD FX-100.. Maybe you are talking about someone else? I can let you have a go with the pedal the next time I jam at your place tho ;)
Heehee.... yeah maybe..its someone else. Being busy lately. Seeya around. I am seeing if I can mod one and let you compare with the sem.
I have the DS-1 Ultra too. My current setting is ultra mode, tone 9-10 o-clock, level 9 o-clock, dist - max, driving my marshall dsl clean or slightly dirty.

I fine that tone at 12 o-clock is too sharp, and ultra sounds clearer although less heavy then sem mode.