my right hand has a mind of its own.


New member
hi can anyone tell me if there's a way i can position my right hand for better co ordination and if there are any exercises i can do?

this is really embarassing because i'm not really new at guitar, but i just don't know what to do. :oops: and and and i never really started properly so now my basics are all screwed up. any ideas?

any help at all is muchos appreciated.

luff <33
What do u mean that ur right hand has a mind of ur own? Does it means that it keeps moving out of position? If thats the case, u can try anchoring with ur pinky
yes, anchor either your ring finger or pinkie on the pickguard. Watch a vid of John Petrucci to see what we mean.
The above mentioned and start slow. I used to have the same problem. try to keep ur picking constant as well, thats another useful technique. once you get used to it at a low tempo, u can start working on ur speed
draye said:
okay thanks. oh btw how do you all hold your picks?

Hmm I use my thumb and index finger to hold it, while the other fingers are straightened... Not sure if its the correct method though...
hellmurderer :: doubt there *are* correct or incorrect methods here. i think u should go with whatever is comfortable, if u like it, continue ^^ so long as it doesnt hinder ur playing?

me, i hold mine with the sharpest point perpendicular to side of my thumb, with the 2nd finger supporting the bottom of the pick. sometimes i use the middle finger for added support.

also, if u're doing alternate picking, maybe instead of anchoring ur hand on the pickguard, rest it on one of the lower strings/ bridge?
its all about personal prefrence and whether u can hit the strings u want. some say its best to hold ur pick perpendicular to ur strings but personally i find it easier to pick from an angle, with my part of my palm anchoring on the bass string or slightly above. experiment a bit see what you get.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:25 am Post subject:
yes, anchor either your ring finger or pinkie on the pickguard. Watch a vid of John Petrucci to see what we mean.

hey your video from john petrucci's rock discipline dvd?...if dats de case where u got it from?[/code]